Videos of strange and apparently impossible phenomena which may or may not be the simple consequences of physics.
- 1
0:23 Watched tin pest, transformation of beta tin into alpha modi... by wwwperiodictableru 86,767 views
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0:04 slow motion Bullet hitting Glass filmed at 125,000 f... by mattrece 50,120 views
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0:18 35 kV power line short circuit. Замыкание ЛЭП - 35 к... by bobek66666 211,839 views
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0:15 Watched Penn State Nuclear Reactor by wlsoundman 324,389 views
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0:11 Grains Flowing out of Hopper by pickledweller 13,365 views
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0:15 Sprite streams by 2206411411 81,110 views
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0:15 Gasoline Fumes by JimSchrodt 20,430 views
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0:11 hoverbike by WillofNewZealand 2,369,766 views
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0:50 Collision free paths in hot ice by Fixarum 23,545 views
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0:19 Tank car implosion d'un wagon citerne by PigHogger 561,204 views
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1:08 Tumbleweed Vortex by ElGatoLoco698 14,829 views
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0:36 Zero Gravity Cat by stewright83 480,935 views
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0:48 Underneath a glacier time lapse by 123peaceplease 68,637 views
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0:11 Waching a Carbon Nanotube Growing by mdlima6 26,639 views
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0:36 Robot Swarm by JimPughEtAl 71,616 views
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0:34 Schwebender Supraleiter by majos 70,671 views
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2:16 1975 NASA JPL Goldstone Demo of Wireless Power Trans... by mariettawoodworks 25,679 views
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0:18 Propeller tip cavitation by rickypigazzini 125,009 views
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0:08 Aerogel and Water by pimbilibom 99,107 views
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0:41 Salt Crystal Garden by toolusinganimal 214,416 views
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0:19 Two fluid jets by maqflp 15,912 views
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0:42 TEA Laser Only Three Inches Long by nylesteiner 22,424 views
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0:38 visual sound waves by thunderrabbit 196,063 views
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0:05 Falling glass with water emits a strong jet by bugpwr 9,143 views
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0:16 Underwater Nuclear Footage by DrWeird74 178,019 views
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0:30 Laser Induced Plasma Channel by RaptorFag 427,934 views
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1:42 Weird things in the clouds by fckwalm 231,047 views
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0:31 tornado destroy a house? by rutmasterboy 3,005,664 views
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0:14 Coke Bottle Plasma Rocket Mockup by wired 50,104 views
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0:59 HIGH CURRENT BALL BEARING MOTOR by Mnermal 17,924 views
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0:40 Hay Devils by NationalGeographic 126,722 views
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0:38 High Voltage Pie Tin fountain slow motion by mikeselectricstuff 5,402 views
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0:31 Ultrasonic Cavitation ( by HielscherUltrasonics 130,563 views
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0:15 MRI MAGIC by TheHappyCynic 296,760 views
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0:32 Gravity Wave by akrherz 1,170,555 views
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1:00 Musical Sand Dunes by newscientistvideo 52,857 views
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0:33 Magnetic sounds by johnkit 16,724 views
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0:19 Magic Coke Can 2 by scotradamus 17,170 views
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0:27 Real Ball Lightning Created in the Lab by ttyler1999 383,664 views
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0:21 Amazing footage of a tornado going through an aspen ... by SlayerNumero2 72,102 views
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0:26 ZIL screw drive (2) by tadupatokolos 2,171,864 views
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0:22 Atoms in Action by BerkeleyLab 55,827 views
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0:11 Home-made plasma by eu3eu 25,120 views
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0:12 boogy boarding by katyo19 4,664 views
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0:28 Captured Lightning: 2.2 million volt Lichtenberg Fig... by BertHickman 415,019 views
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0:10 The Floating Water Bridge by ElmarCFuchs 63,390 views
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2:19 fontaine d'huile by francishelio 5,612 views
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2:49 Nanoassembly by "hand": pick and place of nanotubes by NanoClips 49,143 views
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1:39 Nano Sculpting by NanoClips 15,988 views
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1:22 FanWing STOL UAV by mandriola2 66,633 views
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0:55 Depth charge detonation. Amazing! by shift313 2,968,366 views
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3:28 Buddhabrot ( by albertlobo1981 59,957 views
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5:55 Building Stonehenge - This Man can Move Anything by shengd 5,969,628 views
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3:35 Project Orion by ceticismoaberto 56,972 views
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1:45 disposal of sodium by markdcatlin 337,957 views
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2:37 University of Maryland Three Meter Experiment by n3umh 54,726 views
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1:41 miracle of Allah(swt) by nishu9 1,635,274 views
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2:44 Amazing Liquid by briansio8 3,544,363 views
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6:16 Antarctica Time lapse: A Year on Ice by Antzarctica 892,561 views
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0:42 Playing with mousse by xtremeboi050 10,285 views
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1:08 Dolphin play bubble rings by chiajungchi 7,711,479 views
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4:02 A pool filled with non-newtonian fluid by alesis69 6,319,713 views
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4:02 Red Sprites by 06solareclipse 99,779 views
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5:11 Waves of Ice (AMAZING!) by BulletinboardForum 218,160 views
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0:56 Tesla Coil Music - Featured on Hacked Gadgets by abbtech 1,034,478 views
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4:49 Large Hadron Rap by alpinekat 6,950,660 views
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5:48 "Red Sprites & Blue Jets" - the video by Eastview605 92,330 views
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3:56 SRL: Weird Weapons of WWII by firebreathertv 88,735 views
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6:18 NearSys 06E by NearSpace 19,339 views
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1:04 Aurora (Northern Lights) by 06solareclipse 3,134,331 views
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7:25 tesla coil run by 1slomr2 19,488 views
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1:01 Exploding bubbles by sugartaspice 347,860 views
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6:26 Slow motion high FPS compilation by Homeschtar 3,873,823 views
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4:06 A Thermic Lance made out of Spaghetti by latexiron 34,018 views
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7:19 Ship's propeller by drdudek 170,205 views
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0:17 Maglev 3ºD by favelarox 126,501 views
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0:18 Fiji water supercooled by ojiru 716,341 views
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0:13 Super Cooled Fiji Water by emfriske 139,781 views
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0:20 Salt climbs out of a plastic glass by bugpwr 313,302 views
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0:30 Ship floating on nothing! :: Physikshow Uni Bonn by TheTvelvethMonkey 1,773,241 views
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2:01 resonance by shermph 309,568 views
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2:01 agnosticism by seannarae 19,084 views
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1:07 Supercooling Experiment 4 by bob0rama 1,373,905 views
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0:56 tornado by Pavolilko 4,971,878 views
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1:07 Fire Tornado! by hollypie1993 4,867,189 views
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4:44 Alka-Seltzer added to spherical water drop in microg... by benwl 666,569 views
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8:30 Smoking Teeth = Poison Gas by davidkennedydds 587,000 views
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0:36 A growing icicle by smorris123 3,806 views
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1:28 X-periment #02 by videographics1 18,995 views
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0:32 Physics Demo by legoman1986 14,655 views
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0:15 - Creepy Soap (slow motion) by microwavecam 11,769 views
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0:26 Exploding Soap by woopzitwasmee 146,610 views
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0:53 Aluminum sheet slows down fall of magnet by 69furball69 22,430 views
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1:08 Floating Levitating Magnet by imsmoother 119,425 views
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2:27 Plasma Ball trick by falcovolt 865,722 views
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6:34 Sphere Fountains by by waterfountains 5,356 views
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3:16 Electrodynamic Levitation by cronopio15 59,058 views
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1:49 Acoustic Levitation Chamber by drdeak 730,183 views
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1:04 Preliminary Mag-Lev Experimentation by ridehorizon 2,673 views
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0:36 Levitation Device: Magic Levitation Technology From ... by simerlab 435,439 views
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0:48 Electrodynamic Levitation III by cronopio15 10,852 views
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0:27 moteur synchrone linéaire + pendule inverse by blotfib 6,611 views
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2:16 mPHASE nanobattery by mphasetech 66,455 views
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3:02 MagLev by rubbywater 4,405 views
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5:08 Gyroscopically stabilized CD player in microgravity by benwl 438,276 views
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5:19 Paramagnetism of Liquid Oxygen by robertburkottawa 124,343 views
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1:08 RPL-300 Green Laser pops 20 Balloons by pseudonomen137 349,447 views
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0:40 Rotary 3-phase ink-jet printed electrostatic motor by ericwilhelm 4,025 views
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0:29 Floating Hat Trick by Energyfield 3,290 views
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1:54 electrostatic Corona motor by milan1759 90,007 views
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9:23 Turkish Islamic art of Marbling (Ebru) by batman7003 295,930 views
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10:00 Caspian Sea Monster by bry3500 616,489 views
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0:34 Supercooling Experiment 3 by bob0rama 260,706 views
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0:52 Hardware Store Hybrid Rocket Motor by eerrp 72,162 views
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0:12 "Thunderstorm" in Chem by hotphoenix 31,867 views
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1:17 A Magnetic Attraction! by Exploratorium 9,989 views
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1:17 Pulsating Electrochemical Reaction: Mercury Beating ... by sciencevidds 140,491 views
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1:22 Large WISES model flying! (Japanese ekranoplan and W... by hakmt 207,921 views
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9:39 Flying through Iraq thunderstorm by rfp313 252,269 views
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6:51 Julius Sumner Miller - Physics - Electrostatic Toys ... by logindoss 34,355 views
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1:33 Anti-bubble Demonstration by special4k4 11,747 views
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[Deleted Video]
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0:36 Cathode ray tube 2 world's smallest? by nylesteiner 33,445 views
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1:16 A Mechanical Television. by MarbleMad 27,235 views
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1:37 Cruquius Cornish Engine moving again by rgisolf 8,130 views
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6:39 The Hubble Deep Field: The Most Important Image Eve... by tdarnell 4,262,883 views
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1:09 Rubber Band Heat Engine by checkmatedeepblue 99,614 views
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1:48 flying car by ashlingon 54,714 views
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2:05 Three bioluminescent sea creatures by pinktentacle3 100,784 views
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1:14 Demonstration Nuclear Fusion Reactor by SorenaAurora 277,452 views
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2:22 Prince Rupert's Drops! by mingforfun 180,574 views
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8:24 Julius Sumner Miller - Physics - Bernoulli pt. 1 by logindoss 180,386 views
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2:11 WABC Audio Spotlight by anon1432 16,153 views
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0:45 Sony Robot Jellyfish by Zoum45 18,016 views
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0:15 Singing Sand of Cayo Largo by andrush123a 13,864 views
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0:27 Slow motion BALL by HumanSlayerKing 17,360 views
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4:01 Strange spinning toys by newscientistvideo 67,020 views
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0:29 Ferrofluido II by unaiaia 54,097 views
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2:34 Erbert and Gerbert's Candle Cannon by candlecannon 833,701 views
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1:15 Magnetic Graphite by QuantumRabbit 1,701 views
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0:27 Mont Blanc Glacier Time Lapse by 123peaceplease 51,951 views
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2:57 Volkswaffe: The Flying Cars of Nazi Germany by fshrking 188,484 views
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2:59 Holly Batchelor - Cloud Chamber by adoayen 37,985 views
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3:56 Phonographantasmascope by jimlefevre 276,910 views
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9:01 Feynman: Take the world from another point of view (... by aaronsky12 311,061 views
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3:24 RADICON BUS 1950's Remote Control Toy by volleyballjones 32,041 views
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0:32 Aero Spider from Takara Tomy at the Tokyo Toy Show 2008 by CGJapan 23,050 views
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0:39 Kilauea Eruption October 12 by wired 83,417 views
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6:47 Eruption of Etna Volcano December 2006 by Thomas2Reichart 1,807,411 views
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3:06 Home made X-ray by geramtec 32,783 views
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4:13 James Burke explains weightlessness training by alijanlondon 28,429 views
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2:27 Dead Whale + Dynamite = Bad Idea by BurntPickle 886,624 views
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0:52 Plasma Rocket by benwl 883,564 views
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1:30 High speed coin shrinking by hackerfriendly 78,925 views
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1:39 Röntgen mit der Tesa-Rolle / Sticky-Tape X-Ray by XTrBass 23,048 views
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9:33 Weird Weapons of WW2 by airbomb34 885,745 views
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7:56 Advanced German Weapons of WWII - Part 1 of 3 by AlDoughy 170,053 views
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2:20 Laminar Flow by catwebster 789,750 views
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0:57 ball lightning produced in laboratory by dekkerdos4ever 19,232 views
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0:23 Robot to Advertise on the Moon by moonpublicity 125,801 views
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4:21 Vortex Cannon by jonlee29 203,428 views
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1:45 Aesir Coanda-effect VTOL UAV by theworacle 424,510 views
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2:12 Space Diving by kylface 50,841 views
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3:38 FLIGHT #2 of Armadillo Aerospace's Level 2 attempt a... by xprize 70,304 views
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5:36 Carbon Dioxide Solid and Liquid by chemsnippets 10,061 views
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1:48 Flying Car by murtijung 9,095,726 views
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10:00 1 million fps Slow Motion video of bullet impacts ma... by mattrece 5,571,262 views
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1:03 Spinning Tube by thomasjsenior 767 views
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3:00 Beads in a Box by wired 8,356 views
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0:52 tibetian singing bowl, water inside by tainaplanet3 126,448 views
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1:46 First portable induction accelerator in Russia by Fuckertrezv 19,124 views
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1:00 what is this strange light? (Batu Pahat, Johor, Mala... by carvedphoenix 26,863 views
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3:30 UFO in a Cloud - Strange weather, lights, WHAT? (TUR... by joininglife 33,185 views
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5:26 FanWing Demonstration Flight at ParcAberporth Intern... by mandriola2 342,315 views
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2:01 Robo-Air Jet System Makes Objects Float by spectrummag 204,885 views
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2:24 antibubble observed with monochromatic light (bottom... by stephanedorbo 247 views
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0:05 a pair of antibubbles in a french, cheap, bad beer by stephanedorbo 670 views
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1:53 Ultraviolet LED and neon. by m3sca1 12,682 views
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1:12 SEAgel Aerogel lighter than air solid. Not a UFO by Grommo 364,282 views
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2:21 Peltier Based Cloud Chamber Demo - No Dry Ice! by spambutcher 4,150 views
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10:13 How a Vinyl is made? by jumpunited 123,557 views
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1:03 Falaco Soliton by 1O6C9LWOU 28,332 views
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0:10 Propane in the Airzooka by arlosuave 38,445 views
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3:42 Can gas bubbles sink ships? - Bermuda Triangle - BBC by BBCWorldwide 199,463 views
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1:11 "LASER" - "BACK IN" - Track 1 by royrobotiks 12,384 views
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7:38 Laminar Jet Construction - Part 1 by zacharysc100 10,147 views
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0:17 solar flare upclose by bluekron77 221,010 views
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7:47 Bell Aerospace Rocket Belt by GlobalCop 127,756 views
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1:38 Arctic G2 Blue 1 watt laser vortex / tornado light s... by danielboyce02 8,165 views
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3:01 Instability arisen on liquid jet penetrated in flowi... by ITFDLAB 523 views
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5:14 These Gears Really Work? by quilty1987 1,696,471 views
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0:42 Time lapse movie of pyroclastic flows at Soufrière H... by montserratvolcanoobs 25,190 views
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6:06 Fluid Dynamics of Drag Part IV short.wmv by jfwinkflyer 25,686 views
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3:21 self-powered magnetohydrodynamic motor by gilbondfac 43,122 views
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1:07 Downtown Seattle Zebra Imaging ZScape 3D Holographic... by ZebraImaging 649,616 views
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5:35 Norway - Hessdalen - Ufo phenomenon evidence investi... by Ziggurathss 16,180 views
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0:22 Trombone's shock waves caught on film by instantbreakingnews 12,451 views
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0:51 GO PRO ON HULA HOOP by nsaik 1,005,277 views
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0:16 Ultrasound waves small aluminum tube by petrieonda 1,813 views
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1:01 Geissler 'Aurora' Tube by hp2114b 5,160 views
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