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A Glimpse into the New Order Reshaping the International Order Part 6 ![]() "To obtain an equitable international social and economic order efforts will to be made by everyone... every single member of the world's population." - RIO: Reshaping the International Order, 1976 This article examines a variety of issues derived from a report to The Club of Rome entitled RIO: Reshaping the International Order. These issues include legal changes for a new social order, regional unions, global solidarity, the East-West dialectic, a standing United Nations Peace Force and the redefinition of rights and freedom. Continue Reading Population Control and a World Food Authority Reshaping the International Order Part 5 ![]() The incredible power that would be accomplished from a massive concentration of food stocks under the control of a single agency did not escape the authors of this report to the Club of Rome. The reigning food situation in the world was dominated by the great dependence of many countries on the North American breadbasket. This gave the Americans a considerable amount of power over their dependent countries. "the American Secretary for Agriculture who has observed: "Food is a weapon. It is one of the principal tools in our negotiating kit" " - 29 The further centralization of food stocks under a single international power would only increase the abuse of food supplies not decrease it. This, quite naturally, is the point. Continue Reading Reshaping Public Opinion and the White Coated Propagandists Reshaping the International Order Part 4 ![]() "Atomic and political scientists from Harvard University and MIT meeting in November 1975 concluded that an atomic war will certainly occur before the year 2000. This, they believed, could only be prevented by the decision of all nation-states to surrender their sovereignty to an authoritarian world government, a possibility they viewed as unlikely." - RIO: Reshaping the International Order, 1976 (p46) Public opinion is not generated by the public it is driven into them by marketing and propaganda. One of the main aspects of generating public opinion is the use of experts or specialists to tell the public what to think and give them a false sense of security derived from the belief that there are armies of experts making all of the difficult decisions for them. What if the legions of experts are just white coated propagandists? Continue Reading "Functional" Sovereignty and the Common Heritage of Mankind Reshaping the International Order Part 3 ![]() "Acceptance of these elements calls for a reinterpretation of the concept of national sovereignty. Participation and social control suggest a functional rather than a territorial interpretation of sovereignty, or jurisdiction over determined uses rather than geographical space. Conceptually, this interpretation will make possible the progressive internationalization and socialization of all world resources - material and non-material - based upon the 'common heritage of mankind' principle. It also permits the secure accommodation of inclusive and exclusive uses of these resources, or, in other words, the interweaving of national and international jurisdiction within the same territorial space... Ultimately, we must air for decentralized sovereignty with the network of strong international institutions which will make it possible." This article addresses the redefinition of sovereignty from "territorial sovereignty" to "functional sovereignty" by The Club of Rome. Also discussed is the use of the concept of the "common heritage of mankind" to gain international control of not just the oceans, atmosphere and outer space but also all material and non-material resources. Continue Reading Reshaping the International Financial Order Reshaping the International Order Part 2 ![]() "Among the instruments of implementation at the international level, I attach the highest priority to the introduction of international taxation and the establishment of an international central bank." - Mahbub ul Haq, Director of Policy Planning World Bank (1970-1982) and RIO Member This article examines some of the changes to the financial system proposed by The Club of Rome in their 1976 book RIO: Reshaping the International Order including a world reserve currency, world treasury, world taxation, and a single international currency. Continue Reading What Does a World Governed by Humanistic Socialism Look Like? Reshaping the International Order Part 1 ![]() "The establishment of a New International Economic Order entails fundamental changes in political, social, cultural and other aspects of society, changes which would bring about a New International Order." - RIO: Reshaping the International Order, 1976 (p5) The Club of Rome is a premiere think tank composed of approximately 100 members including leading scientists, philosophers, political advisors, former politicians and many other influential bureaucrats and technocrats. This series of articles describes the major conclusions of the 1976 book Rio: Reshaping the International Order: A Report to the Club of Rome coordinated by Nobel Laureate Jan Tinbergen. The RIO report "addresses the following question: what new international order should be recommended to the world's statesmen and social groups so as to meet, to the extent practically and realistically possible, the urgent needs of today's population and the probable needs of future generations?" From RIO: Reshaping the International Order: "Many in the RIO group believe that this equitable social order could best be described as humanistic socialism..." - 63 So what exactly does a new social order based on "humanistic socialism" look like. Below is the RIO group's own description of what the future should look like. Continue Reading Over-Population and the Sanctity of Life The Next Million Years Part 5 ![]() Can the size of the world population be properly managed by a powerful world government? Are we doomed to multiply until the Malthusian breaks are applied? Are we forever going to have a "starving margin" within our societies? These questions are answered by an elite. Charles Galton Darwin's 1952 book The Next Million Years [1] attempts to give a general outline of the "future history" of mankind. C.G. Darwin (1887-1962) was an English physicist and grandson of Charles Darwin of evolutionary fame. Despite being concerned about the over-population of the world he had four sons and one daughter with his wife Katharine Pember. The hypocrisy of this may seem odd, but the concern about over-population only refers to inferior breeds of humans and not superior breeds like himself and his lineage. C.G. Darwin was a long time member and eventual president of the Eugenic Society (1953-59) which represented the belief system held among many of the political, scientific and aristocratic elites of his day and the present. Continue Reading | ![]()
"A world consciousness must be developed through which every individual realizes his role as a member of the world community... It must become part of the consciousness of every individual that "the basic unit of human cooperation and hence survival is moving from the national to the global level." " - Mankind at the Turning Point: The Second Report to the Club of Rome Quote of the Week Archive |
BEST OF KDR Mass Psychology and Education Creating A One World Consciousness Can Mankind be Domesticated? How to Control the AMERICAN Population by Paul Ehrlich Information Warfare Without Limits Cough, Cough. Obesity is Contagious Population Control and the Scientific Breeding of Humans Iron Fist or a Forked Tongue? The West's Great Leap Forward "Functional" Sovereignty and the Common Heritage of Mankind Interdependence is Totalitarian Cultural Decay and Motivating Empire PNAC Revisited: The Future of Warfare The Importance of Creeds in Shaping the Future More Articles by KDR AUDIO Feb 20, 2008: Interview: Brent Jessop on The Power Hour Feb 18, 2008: Interview: Brent Jessop on Questioning War, Organizing Resistance with host Carol Brouillet Part 1 Part 2 Feb 16, 2008: Interview: Brent Jessop on Outside the Box with host Alex Ansary GLOBAL WARMING ARTICLES Creating A One World Consciousness The Apocalypse, From Paul Ehrlich to Al Gore One Thousand Years of Stability: Global Warming Memory Hole Part 1 Earth + SUVs = Venus. What? Why a Carbon Tax Won't Save The Planet Classic Global Warming Logic The Sustainable Soldier Takes to the Streets! In Your Car? More Articles by KDR ARCHIVE March April May 2008 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | Reshaping the International Order ![]() The Club of Rome is a premiere think tank composed of approximately 100 members including leading scientists, philosophers, political advisors, former politicians and many other influential bureaucrats and technocrats. This series of articles describes the major conclusions of the 1976 book Rio: Reshaping the International Order: A Report to the Club of Rome coordinated by Nobel Laureate Jan Tinbergen. The RIO report "addresses the following question: what new international order should be recommended to the world's statesmen and social groups so as to meet, to the extent practically and realistically possible, the urgent needs of today's population and the probable needs of future generations?" Part 1 of this series gives an overview of the proposed new international order described by the RIO report as "humanistic socialism". This includes: collective neighbourhood armies, a fully planned world economy, global free trade, public international enterprises, proposed changes in consumption patterns among other topics. Changes to the financial system including international taxation and the creation of a World Treasury, World Central Bank and World Currency are examined in part 2. Part 3 addresses the redefinition of sovereignty from "territorial sovereignty" to "functional sovereignty" as well as the use of the concept of the "common heritage of mankind" to gain international control of not just the oceans, atmosphere and outer space but also all material and non-material resources. Part 4 discusses the generation of public opinion and the use of white coated propagandists. The creation of a World Food Authority and its use for population control is examined in part 5. The final article in this series will examine a wide range of topics including: regional unions, world solidarity, foundations of the international legal system, freedom and the establishment of an standing United Nations military.
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The Next Million Years ![]() Charles Galton Darwin's 1952 book The Next Million Years attempts to give a general outline of the "future history" of mankind by using the "law of human nature". C.G. Darwin (1887-1962) was an English physicist and grandson of Charles Darwin of evolutionary fame. Despite being concerned about the over-population of the world he had four sons and one daughter with his wife Katharine Pember. The hypocrisy of this may seem odd, but the concern about over-population only refers to inferior breeds of humans and not superior breeds like himself and his lineage. C.G. Darwin was a long time member and eventual president of the Eugenic Society (1953-59) which represented the belief system held among many of the political, scientific and aristocratic elites of his day and the present. The first part in this series examines a variety of issues that C. G. Darwin envisions for the next million years of the future history of humanity including: the altering of human nature, the structure of government and the effects of globalization and computers. C. G. Darwin's views on the possibility of domesticating mankind as a whole is examined in part two. The third part in this series looks at the importance of creeds in shaping society. C. G. Darwin's desire for the implementation of eugenics to improve humanity is examined in part four. Finally, Part 5 will examine the difficulties in controlling the size of the world population as described in The Next Million Years.
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Mankind at the Turning Point ![]() The Club of Rome is a premiere think tank composed of approximately 100 members including leading scientists, philosophers, political advisors and many other characters who lurk in the shadows of power. This series of articles describes the major conclusions of the 1974 book Mankind at the Turning Point: The Second Report to The Club of Rome. Part 1 describes their desire for the development of a totalitarian world system presented under the euphemism of an "organic society". Part 2 describes the need to create a new value system to ensure the acceptance of the upcoming world government. This new value system will be based on a "world consciousness." The final article in this series describes a planned world economy as called for in Mankind at the Turning Point.
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The Impact of Science on Society ![]() This series of articles examines Bertrand Russell's 1952 book entitled The Impact of Science on Society. The first article explores the use of "scientific technique" to increase the centralization of power within a society. The second article explores the limits to the stability of a scientific society. The scientific breeding of humans and the use of education as a modern form of propaganda is examined in the final two articles in this series. Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl Russell (1872-1970) was a renowned British philosopher and mathematician who was an adamant internationalist and worked extensively on the education of young children. He was the founder of the Pugwash movement which used the spectre of Cold War nuclear annihilation to push for world government. Among many other prizes, Russell was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1950 and UNESCO's (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) Kalinga prize in 1957.
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The Population Bomb ![]() In 1968, Dr. Paul R. Ehrlich wrote a well publicized book entitled The Population Bomb. Ehrlich predicted widespread famine and disaster unless population growth was reduced to zero in America and throughout the world by compulsory methods if necessary. Ehrlich is a Professor of Biology at Stanford University specializing in population biology. He has written many books and scientific papers related to overpopulation and has been well rewarded for his efforts in both the academic and environmental spheres. The first article examines Paul Ehrlich's ideas regarding the need to reduce the American population including the use of sterilants in the water and food supply with an antidote carefully rationed by the government. The next article in this series examines Ehrlich's desires for the rest of the planet, especially the third world. It also looks at the issue of "optimum" world population size and who should get to decide what that optimum level will be. The third part in this series discusses the need for altering religion, sex education and the role of women in society. Part four examines in some detail the different organizations, foundations and individuals involved in population control. Finally, I compare the arguments for "population explosion" with that of "global warming" by directly comparing The Population Bomb (1968) to Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth (2006).
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Information Operation Roadmap ![]() When the US military refers to full spectrum domination, they truly mean full spectrum. Information operations or information warfare is a key part of the military battlespace. Recently, a document entitled Information Operation Roadmap was declassified by the Pentagon because of a Freedom of Information Act request by the National Security Archive at George Washington University. The following series of articles examines the Pentagon's intention of gaining full spectrum dominance in information warfare. Including the desire to dominate the electro-magnetic spectrum and "fight the net". Also, I will expand on the use of psychological operations or PSYOP as defined by the Information Operation Roadmap and if any limits exist in information warfare.
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The Grand Chessboard ![]() In Zbigniew Brzezinski's The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives (1997), he outlines his case for how current American global supremacy should be used to further a long running elite plan for the unification of the world under the dictates of the United Nations. Among many other things, Brzezinski was an advisor to John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Hubert Humphrey, and Jimmy Carter. He was also the first director of the Trilateral Commission and board member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Currently he is a top foreign policy advisor to the Barack Obama campaign for presidency. The first three articles in this series describe the use of American imperial power to bring about world government, the techniques used to bring about the fall of the American empire and the rise of the United Nations, and the purpose of supranational unions within that agenda. The final article examines a series of loosely linked topics that did not fit into the previous articles but are important topics in their own right and still should be addressed. | |||
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