Coronavirus cases top 5 million in the United States intentionally misleads people with these numbers.... All tests are not equal.. no test is 100% accurate. There is no uniform standard for testing recording and reporting a positive case. Just as the # of deaths from COVID were exaggerated due to the low , inaccurate standards for recording a COVID death,these numbers of caseou hide life savings are also exaggerated. Also there is reasons for hope in these rising numbers because there is NOY a corresponding rise in the number of deaths which sends the death rate to lower and lower percentages. It is becoming less deadly than the flu.
It has been known since the beginning that HCQ and Zinc is both an effective prevention to protect our vulnerable and an effective treatment especially when it is started in the early stages of the virus. No lockdown was needed and most of the deaths were preventable.
But there has been a concerted effort of censorship, lying and misdirection to keep this lifesaving info from the public and even to restrict access to this lifesaving drug. Some have even tried to ban it. This is pure evil.Bur this has never been about protecting us. It has been about power and control and to keep you in fear. Rights that have been relinquished are not easily regained.