Global Policy Forum is an independent policy watchdog that monitors the work of the United Nations and scrutinizes global policymaking. GPF works particularly on the UN Security Council, the food and hunger crisis, and the global economy. We promote accountability and citizen participation in decisions on peace and security, social justice and international law.
GPF gathers information and circulates it through a comprehensive and heavily-visited website, as well as through frequent media interviews. We play an active role in NGO networks and other advocacy arenas. We organize meetings and conferences and we publish original research and policy papers.
GPF analyzes deep and persistent structures of power and dissects rapidly-emerging issues and crises. GPF's work challenges mainstream thinking and questions conventional wisdom. We seek egalitarian, cooperative, peaceful and sustainable solutions to the world's great problems.
Basic Facts
Founded in 1993, GPF is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization, with consultative status at the UN. GPF's main office is located across the street from UN headquarters in New York. GPF also has a European affiliate, located in Bonn, Germany.
GPF uses a holistic approach, linking peace and security with economic justice and human development. We put our energy into well-focused and unique programs in which GPF has a special analytical and organizational edge. GPF's main programs cover peace and security, food and hunger, global social and economic policy, UN finance, UN reform, international justice, and the changing role of states and sovereignty. See GPF Programs.
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GPF's internship program brings annually about 18 university students and young professionals from many different countries, to work in three teams at our office in New York. The Bonn office also offers internships. A highly-competitive process selects outstanding young people to receive training and gain experience in global issues. See GPF-NY Internship Program. See also GPF-Europe Internship Program.
The website is GPF's major public outreach vehicle and one of the world's largest in the global policy field. First launched in 1996, the site now contains almost 30,000 text files and it attracts more than one million hits each year. Among the worldwide visitors are students and scholars, journalists and NGO staff, diplomats and UN officials, as well as concerned citizens. Many pages of the site are among the top selections of Google and other search engines.
Media & Public Speaking
![]() in an Interview with Al Jazeera |
GPF provides frequent interviews to US and international media, bringing alternative interpretations into many mainstream media outlets. GPF gives more than 100 interviews each year. GPF also provides public speakers and participates in simposiums seminars and interantional conferences .
Research & Publications
GPF does original research in its areas of special concern and publishes each year a variety of reports and major policy papers, shorter specialized texts, statements, and tables and charts. These papers inform the public and at the same time they develop new ideas that are useful to experts and policy makers. Some papers are published in partnership with other NGOs or NGO networks. Over the years, GPF has published studies on many topics, including: Security Council reform, sanctions, UN finance, corporate accountability, global taxes, the fall of the dollar, the Iraq war and the global financial crisis. Several GPF reports have been translated and published in other languages, including French, German and Arabic. All GPF's publications can be accessed on the website.
Conferences, Meetings & Other Events
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GPF organizes the NGO Working Group on the Security Council, bringing together thirty major NGOs for private and informal meetings with Security Council ambassadors and high UN officials. Every year we organize about 40 such meetings, promoting discussion and action on peace, conflict, disarmament and humanitarian issues. In addition, GPF organizes a number of public events each year, including lectures, receptions, roundtables, dialogue sessions, conferences and luncheons. These events are opportunities for advocacy and education, but they are also occasions for mutual learning, reflection and deeper understanding of issues. Previous events have covered topics including hunger, Security Council reform, corporate accountability, global taxes, sanctions, and UN finance.
Executive Director James Paul heads the GPF New York staff. Interns and volunteers from many countries give vital support. GPF-Europe Director Jens Martens heads the Bonn staff.
Joel Krieger, Professor of Political Science at Wellesley College, serves as chair of GPF's ten-member Board. Other members are: professors Margaret Burnham and Diana Gordon, former NGO leader Peter Davies, GPF director James Paul, GPF-Europe director Jens Martens, policy analyst Michael Renner, lawyers Jo Ern Chen and Natalie Reid, and former UNIFEM senior official Barbara Adams. A separate GPF-Europe board governs the Bonn-based operation.
Joel Krieger, Professor of Political Science at Wellesley College, serves as chair of GPF's ten-member Board. Other members are: professors Margaret Burnham and Diana Gordon, former NGO leader Peter Davies, GPF director James Paul, GPF-Europe director Jens Martens, policy analyst Michael Renner, lawyers Jo Ern Chen and Natalie Reid, and former UNIFEM senior official Barbara Adams. A separate GPF-Europe board governs the Bonn-based operation.
Finances & Fundraising
GPF had a budget in 2009 of $300,000. GPF receives about half its annual funding from individuals. The remainder of its funding comes from foundations, partner organizations, fees and other sources. See Support GPF.
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