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Saturday, April 27, 2019

NBC Didn't Want You To Catch This. Share & Expose Them

DO NOT VACCINATE YOUR CHILDREN without doing your due diligence, PLEASE!

Vaccines have preservatives and other additives that are toxic to humans such as mercury and aluminum.

Vaccine makers cannot be sued. They have legal immunity! WHY?

Ultimately, It is YOUR job and YOUR responsibility to protect your children and yourself.

Do not mindlessly and naively abdicate that responsibility to the government.

Do not trust the govt and do not trust mainstream media to tell you the truth and nothing but the truth!.

Too much of what they tell you has been bought and paid for by big corporations.

They are NOT beholden to you.

They are beholden to those that give them the most money.


#BigPharma #Pharmaceuticals #VaccineCancerRisk

NBC Didn't Want You To Catch This. Share & Expose Them