- Why Are Our Children Voting For Socialist Bernie?, 4-23-16
- Only Way to Save America is at the Local Level, 4-12-16
- A Day Late And A Dollar Short, 2-12-16
- Trump's "Trump Card" - Get USA Out of the United Nations, 2-9-16
- The Selling Out of the American Family, 12-7-15
- USA Freedoms on Chopping Block, 11-24-15
- Speak Out - For The Sake of Our Children, 11-20-15
- An Open Letter to His Holiness Pope Francis, 9-24-15
- Kill the 'Every Child Achievers Act', 9-19-15
- The Shoebox Constitution?, 9-12-15
- Senate Passes Communist Education Bill, 7-22-15
- Wake Up Homeschoolers: They're Coming For Your Children, 7-13-15
- United States is Being Turned Into A Communist Country, Part 2, 7-6-15
- United States is Being Turned Into A Communist Country, Part 1, 7-6-15
- Sovietizing of American Society, 6-10-15
- World Government Planned and Financed by USA, 5-20-15
- Communist Common Core and the Reauthorization of ESEA, 5-5-15
- Soviets in the Classroom... America's Latest Education Fad, 5-2-15
- Carnegie Corp., Common Core And Communist World Government, 4-24-15
- Communism is Alive and Well - Your Freedoms Set to Expire Soon, 1-23-15
- Common Core's Global Management System, 11-15-14
- We Are at War For Our Children's Mind and Soul, 9-26-14
- Charters Kill True Choice, 9-9-14
- The Deliberate Dumbing Down of the Village, 7-12-14
- Bill Ayers, Political Right, Political Left and "Choice", Part 2, 7-3-14
- Biil Ayers, Political Right, Political Left and “Choice”, Part 1, 7-3-14
- Can the Computer Brainwash Your Child?, 6-6-14
- Unelected Charters Will Allow Lifelong Community Education, 4-12-14
- Parent-Teacher-Student Manifesto, 3-15-14
- Elected Boards, The Lynch Pin of Freedom, 9-13-13
- Conservative Treason: Selling Out Your Children, 9-4-13
- Win the Common Core Battle But Lose the War?, 8-21-13
- School Choice and Charters Will Kill Private Education, Part 2, 6-21-13
- School Choice and Charters Will Kill Private Education, Part 1, 6-21-13
- School Choice is America's Trojan Horse, Part 2, 6-12-13
- School Choice is America's Trojan Horse, Part 1, 6-12-13
- Masonic Snakes in Catholic Education, 2-19-13
- The Destruction of True School Choice, 1-14-13
- The True Goal of School Choice, 9-11-12
- Regionalism is Communism, 3-10-12
- The Charter School Trap, Part 2, 2-22-11
- The Death of Free Will, Part 4, 12-21-10
- The Death of Free Will, Part 3, 12-21-10
- The Death of Free Will, Part 2, 12-21-10
- The Death of Free Will, Part 1, 12-21-10
- Obama's Health Care Plan 8-8-09
- Iraq Veteran Victim of Government Abuse 11-23-07
- Former USSR Premier/ex KGB Head To Work for Homeland Security! 4-23-03
- Community/ Communist Oriented Policing 2-13-03
- New Spectator Sport for Americans...Watch it Play Out! 2-1-03
- Kissinger out of the Closet
- Cold War Myth: An Exercise in the Use of the Dialectic
- Death Sentence for Private and Home Education, Courtesy of Supreme Court
- No American Left Alone!