WeatherWar101: The Myth of "HAARP Ring"
Published on Apr 3, 2014
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It should be clear to everyone by now that deciphering and teaching the geoengineering methods in place (and that have been under development and implementation for at least half a century) is not the challenge I (and we collectively) face. Getting this information past the gauntlet of disinformation, past the plethora of shills, into genuine media outlets (assuming any currently exist), and into the minds of the population of this planet is.
For years I have been teaching the reality of Nexrad Weather Control. When I first began this research, the prevailing thinking in the 'truth' community was the HAARP facility in Alaska was responsible for "controlling the weather" on this planet. There were hundreds if not thousands of groups and sites devoted to and investigating all aspects of the HAARP facility and its potential uses. Any radar anomalies that people were starting to see were immediately attributed to HAARP... and nothing else.
However, the HAARP facility is almost 40 years old, and it didn't take long for me to recognize it essentially as a research facility for developing the methods in use (not the actual implementation of them), and that the technology had advanced exponentially since its original construction. In fact, if you look at an aerial view of the HAARP facility and compare it to a Phased Array plate, you can see that the layout and functions have been engineered down to much smaller, much more powerful, and much more versatile technology, that (in addition to ground stations) can easily be put on ships and planes as well.
It also became clear in short order while doing my initial research, that there were a host of astonishing "radar anomalies" occurring every day all across this country, when HAARP wasn't doing anything at all. It became obvious to me that there was something else going on, and it was something much bigger than HAARP.
There are almost 200 Networked Nexrad Stations in this country alone (not including various other Doppler / Phased Array types), each capable of generating at least 1 Gigawatt. Every major industrialized land mass on the planet is similarly covered with equivalent Doppler radar stations. I prove every week, how these stations (in conjunction with massive global water vapor generation and the chemtrail program) control and create the manufactured weather systems we all experience globally.
Yet without exception, the individuals and groups claiming to support 'truth,' completely ignore the mountains of proof I have provided, insist on mischaracterizing the significance of the HAARP facility in Alaska, insist on directing all attention toward that one facility, and insist -- unbelievably -- on falsely labelling Nexrad Pulsed Rotating Frequency as "HAARP Rings." In addition to keeping their viewers uneducated (and sounding that way), they keep them looking in the wrong direction... instead of at the Nexrad facility a mile from their house.
This has to be considered deliberate... which identifies intent. As always, I encourage viewers to challenge those claiming to 'seek the truth' of global geoengineering -- to explain themselves, the deliberate continued dissemination of disinformation and misdirection, and the obvious suppression of the voluminous evidence provided on this channel -- that they pretend doesn't exist. Remember... I can prove everything I say. See what they have to offer in their own defense.
One more example in closing, is the complete and total blackout on last week's Sofia Smallstorm interview. Sofia went on Red Ice Radio, exposed the entire process of global geoengineering (using this body of work), I made a video matching it that simply explains the entire process to anyone in the world with 15 minutes to spare, and not only did the video not receive even an infinitesimal viewer bump from the "exposure" on Red Ice Radio (1,647 views after a week), I have heard exactly _nothing_ from anyone from or associated with Red Ice Radio, or anyone of import who heard the interview. Nor have I heard a sound from any "Geoengineering Group," "Chemtrail Group," or "Truth Group" of any kind, regarding this worldview altering video. One would think, 'someone' in these 'truth' movements would want to talk to the person -- who can explain global geoengineering to a child.
WeatherWar101: Sofia Smallstorm on Red Ice Radio
The total silence, screams volumes... and everyone better be listening.
I strongly suggest people choose their team wisely... and based on facts.
Email to join the team:
Introduction to Geoengineering 101
Geoengineered Winter 2013 - 2014
Psyop Disinformation, Obstruction, and Terrorism
WeatherWar101: Obstruction and Evidence Suppression on Mar 19, 2014
It should be clear to everyone by now that deciphering and teaching the geoengineering methods in place (and that have been under development and implementation for at least half a century) is not the challenge I (and we collectively) face. Getting this information past the gauntlet of disinformation, past the plethora of shills, into genuine media outlets (assuming any currently exist), and into the minds of the population of this planet is.
For years I have been teaching the reality of Nexrad Weather Control. When I first began this research, the prevailing thinking in the 'truth' community was the HAARP facility in Alaska was responsible for "controlling the weather" on this planet. There were hundreds if not thousands of groups and sites devoted to and investigating all aspects of the HAARP facility and its potential uses. Any radar anomalies that people were starting to see were immediately attributed to HAARP... and nothing else.
However, the HAARP facility is almost 40 years old, and it didn't take long for me to recognize it essentially as a research facility for developing the methods in use (not the actual implementation of them), and that the technology had advanced exponentially since its original construction. In fact, if you look at an aerial view of the HAARP facility and compare it to a Phased Array plate, you can see that the layout and functions have been engineered down to much smaller, much more powerful, and much more versatile technology, that (in addition to ground stations) can easily be put on ships and planes as well.
It also became clear in short order while doing my initial research, that there were a host of astonishing "radar anomalies" occurring every day all across this country, when HAARP wasn't doing anything at all. It became obvious to me that there was something else going on, and it was something much bigger than HAARP.
There are almost 200 Networked Nexrad Stations in this country alone (not including various other Doppler / Phased Array types), each capable of generating at least 1 Gigawatt. Every major industrialized land mass on the planet is similarly covered with equivalent Doppler radar stations. I prove every week, how these stations (in conjunction with massive global water vapor generation and the chemtrail program) control and create the manufactured weather systems we all experience globally.
Yet without exception, the individuals and groups claiming to support 'truth,' completely ignore the mountains of proof I have provided, insist on mischaracterizing the significance of the HAARP facility in Alaska, insist on directing all attention toward that one facility, and insist -- unbelievably -- on falsely labelling Nexrad Pulsed Rotating Frequency as "HAARP Rings." In addition to keeping their viewers uneducated (and sounding that way), they keep them looking in the wrong direction... instead of at the Nexrad facility a mile from their house.
This has to be considered deliberate... which identifies intent. As always, I encourage viewers to challenge those claiming to 'seek the truth' of global geoengineering -- to explain themselves, the deliberate continued dissemination of disinformation and misdirection, and the obvious suppression of the voluminous evidence provided on this channel -- that they pretend doesn't exist. Remember... I can prove everything I say. See what they have to offer in their own defense.
One more example in closing, is the complete and total blackout on last week's Sofia Smallstorm interview. Sofia went on Red Ice Radio, exposed the entire process of global geoengineering (using this body of work), I made a video matching it that simply explains the entire process to anyone in the world with 15 minutes to spare, and not only did the video not receive even an infinitesimal viewer bump from the "exposure" on Red Ice Radio (1,647 views after a week), I have heard exactly _nothing_ from anyone from or associated with Red Ice Radio, or anyone of import who heard the interview. Nor have I heard a sound from any "Geoengineering Group," "Chemtrail Group," or "Truth Group" of any kind, regarding this worldview altering video. One would think, 'someone' in these 'truth' movements would want to talk to the person -- who can explain global geoengineering to a child.
WeatherWar101: Sofia Smallstorm on Red Ice Radio
The total silence, screams volumes... and everyone better be listening.
I strongly suggest people choose their team wisely... and based on facts.
Email to join the team:
Introduction to Geoengineering 101
Geoengineered Winter 2013 - 2014
Psyop Disinformation, Obstruction, and Terrorism
WeatherWar101: Obstruction and Evidence Suppression on Mar 19, 2014
Please support this independent work: PayPal
Important: For the second time, my video detailing the geoengineered Tornado Swarm in Illinois has been removed for "copyright infringement." The first time it was removed for "copyright infringement" on a weather forecast. This time it was removed for "copyright infringement" on video of a cloud.
The fact that 'rights' of the perpetrators of this global geoengineering disaster and their 'freedom' to propagate lies trumps the 'rights' of the masses to know what is being done to them, shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. If you have been paying attention at all, you will find this applies to any topic of importance to Mankind and all of the crimes against the population.
However, it should make you mad enough to do something about it. If the population of this planet knew the reality of the massive, toxic, and desperate geoengineering program, it would be the only conversation on this planet... as opposed to every single other manufactured delusion to ensure that they don't.
On this channel I provide the information and means to understand exactly what is happening on this planet and the dire situation we are all in... which is why it is perpetually under attack of one kind or another. If the population was behind me and standing up for themselves, the attack would be the other way around.
First thing all viewers should do - is follow my WeatherWar101 TV back-up channel, as well as Campaign Manager's channel... just in case.
WeatherWar101 TV
WW101 Campaign Manager
The next thing people need to do, if you value this channel, this work, this planet, and this species' right to know what is happening to them - is to join the WW101Team, and assist in finding the backing and exposure this work and movie project requires. Email:
This is what people need to understand, and I demonstrate it every day. Contrary to popular believe, it is quite possible to stand up for yourself and for your planet, and it is in fact your duty to do so. Doing it alone in this society is fraught with perils... take it from the voice of experience. I'm offering a group of powerful, intelligent, determined, like-minded spiritual beings - committed to fight for their actual birthright... The Planet Earth. Everything else, is just biding time until the end.
Join and support this effort to enlighten a species...
The Big Picture 2.0
Pre-paid PayPal cards are available at CVS, Rite Aid, and other chains.
Introduction to Geoengineering 101
Geoengineered Winter 2013 - 2014
Psyop Disinformation, Obstruction, and Terrorism
Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth: The Rules of Disinformation
Eight Traits of the Disinformationalist
Analytika Chemtrail Full Report (pdf)
United States Patent 5003186: for seeding stratosphere with metal aerosol in jet fuel (pdf)
Exhaustive List of Geoengineering & Chemtrail PATENTS
Important: For the second time, my video detailing the geoengineered Tornado Swarm in Illinois has been removed for "copyright infringement." The first time it was removed for "copyright infringement" on a weather forecast. This time it was removed for "copyright infringement" on video of a cloud.
The fact that 'rights' of the perpetrators of this global geoengineering disaster and their 'freedom' to propagate lies trumps the 'rights' of the masses to know what is being done to them, shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. If you have been paying attention at all, you will find this applies to any topic of importance to Mankind and all of the crimes against the population.
However, it should make you mad enough to do something about it. If the population of this planet knew the reality of the massive, toxic, and desperate geoengineering program, it would be the only conversation on this planet... as opposed to every single other manufactured delusion to ensure that they don't.
On this channel I provide the information and means to understand exactly what is happening on this planet and the dire situation we are all in... which is why it is perpetually under attack of one kind or another. If the population was behind me and standing up for themselves, the attack would be the other way around.
First thing all viewers should do - is follow my WeatherWar101 TV back-up channel, as well as Campaign Manager's channel... just in case.
WeatherWar101 TV
WW101 Campaign Manager
The next thing people need to do, if you value this channel, this work, this planet, and this species' right to know what is happening to them - is to join the WW101Team, and assist in finding the backing and exposure this work and movie project requires. Email:
This is what people need to understand, and I demonstrate it every day. Contrary to popular believe, it is quite possible to stand up for yourself and for your planet, and it is in fact your duty to do so. Doing it alone in this society is fraught with perils... take it from the voice of experience. I'm offering a group of powerful, intelligent, determined, like-minded spiritual beings - committed to fight for their actual birthright... The Planet Earth. Everything else, is just biding time until the end.
Join and support this effort to enlighten a species...
The Big Picture 2.0
Pre-paid PayPal cards are available at CVS, Rite Aid, and other chains.
Introduction to Geoengineering 101
Geoengineered Winter 2013 - 2014
Psyop Disinformation, Obstruction, and Terrorism
Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth: The Rules of Disinformation
Eight Traits of the Disinformationalist
Analytika Chemtrail Full Report (pdf)
United States Patent 5003186: for seeding stratosphere with metal aerosol in jet fuel (pdf)
Exhaustive List of Geoengineering & Chemtrail PATENTS