What Is In Our Skies, Part 1 - Introduction
What Is In Our Skies, Part 2 - Diagramming
The gray clouds have full color info...Set the saturation of a photo to 80% or higher to see the effect.
Small craft show up as warm yellows. oranges and reds
What Is In Our Skies, Part 3 - Video Diagramming
What Is In Our Skies, Part 4 - Senior Citizen
What Is In Our Skies, Part 5 - The Roles of the System
What Is In Our Skies, Part 6 - Glitches
What Is In Our Skies, Part 7 - Lightning
What Is In Our Skies, Part 8 - Holograms
What Is In Our Skies, Part 9 - Initial Conclusions
-- about the NO FLY zones where they test thes experimental aircraft and set them up...but I still think they had to build something out there--the white balls of light?--all the circles of light on the cloud,espcially the VERY low cloud that suddenly blew itself up big right in front of me and then was hundreds of feet in the air before I knew it- the fan shaped cloud that formed off an arm extending out from the GULF where those balls of light would appear in the sky---the weird ass lighting shows or storms---what about the ones right on top of the water in a straight line??? and all the money they spent putting the rows of antennae 1/4 mile apart from the going south to north and the new "water towers" in all the Gulf Coast states???
What Is In Our Skies, Part 10: June 9th, 2012
What Is In Our Skies, June 9th, 2012. A breakdown of a 23 minute video taken on recently. Various sky anomalies. Essentially, the Aurora. HD 1920x1080. Please watch in high definition.
Please see What Is In Our Skies, Parts 1-9 for reference. Also, please check out the channels below. There are many of us documenting this.
What Is In Our Skies, Part 11. January 6th, 2012 photo. IR
. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nf0vNEZmN4E&list=PL185C14D0481BB2AC
What Is In Our Skies. January 6th, 2012 photo. IR. Just one random snapshot of an Aurora system taken on that day of many
What Is In Our Skies, Part 12: January 15th, 2012
What Is In Our Skies January 15th, 2012. A short video taken prior to finding the "god" and "skull" holograms in the sky. Fast moving orbs, in formation, probably trying to appear as birds, but failing miserably. This operation is such a crock.
Part 12:
"If you have not had a chance to see What is In Our Skies, Parts 1-9, found on my channel, please do. This video will make a lot more sense after you see those.
This was recorded on January 15th, 2012, right before I noticed the god face and skull face in the sky. I then filmed the faces more directly for a bit and then took still shots. This is explained in Part 8 of What Is In Our Skies. I did not see the next anomaly in the sky while filming, but I finally have had the chance to review this video. In doing so, I've come across what others are recording in the sky, the fast orbs. Do you expect me to call these birds? Not a chance. Also notice the even spacing, the shinyness, the lack of moving wings, the temporary disappearances, etc.
There are plenty of large craft in the sky in this video, and if you know what to look for, you can pick them out. But what I am focused on for this short video are these fast flying objects.
Oh, and this cloud is normal?"
Please see What Is In Our Skies, Parts 1-9 for reference.
What Is In Our Skies, Part 13:The Small Drones
What Is In Our Skies, The Small Drones. Details of the smaller sized "drones," "alien craft, " "pizza slices," or whatever the Hell they are.
Part 13:
The Small Drones
I though I would shift gears for this next video and focus on the smaller drones. For the general public, these are the easiest to discern in the clouds. Why? Though cloaked, they leave a small, tight signature, however fleeting. The job of these is to provide cover for the larger ones and to randomize the angled cloud patterns generated by the next size up. They dock to the larger ones, refuel, pop off, emit clouds, and redock.
These fly at the rear of the larger ones, spinning, flipping, revolving around to churn the material emitted. They also fly in advance of the larger craft so that the fronts are not exposed. The signatures they leave are one of the first things I noticed. I called them fish bone clouds or spine clouds.
It seems like these have at least 2 propulsion systems. One is a central engine to produce thrust and movement. The other runs along the back edge, emitting cloud material. Their movements are not very fluid in that they move in spurts, pop pop pop. That's what causes the straight, perpendicular cloud shapes along a central spine, or thrust engine. The signatures of the craft themselves can be seen as either a small delta shaped cloud or as a delta shaped cavity within a cloud.
I've seen these, uncloaked, on several occasions with my naked eye, but just for a split second before it retreats back into the cloud. They are dark grey and I would guess between 5 to 10 feet across. This is how it works...
Please see What Is In Our Skies, Parts 1-12 for reference.
Part 14: What Is In Our Skies, Formations: Locomotive, August 13, 2011
Formations: Locomotive
August 13th, 2011
"I've been wanting to present this video for quite some time. This was recorded 5 days after I saw the first craft for certain. It was game on at that point. I recorded a lot of video that month.
During this period, they would show up at about 8am every morning, as they currently do. I tracked their clusters on the radar. Sometimes they would come from the West, sometimes SouthEast, and sometimes the North. This was facing West. Again, I didn't notice the specifics until I sped up the video later.
Watch the cloud on the right. I call this one the locomotive formation for obvious reasons. The cloud material is ejected from the front of the large base craft, the aircraft carrier. This material is churned by the smaller craft above it, creating the illusion of a natural cloud. Smaller craft fly in advance of the system emitting their own material and obscuring the front of the main craft.
They come in pretty low in this video. It has given me a chance to go back and detail out the smaller ships, which were identified before, but not fully fleshed out in 3D just yet. Once the smoke and mirrors are removed, this is what the formation looks like..."
What Is In Our Skies, Part 15: August Morning Reveille
August 30th, 2011. Sun refraction through craft edges.
Real time. 720x480. IR video. At 1:46, the sun above refracts through the top of the large, incoming craft, and projects through the bottom edges/seams. Epic f****** fail.
What Is In Our Skies, Part 16 Preview: Skyfish, Flying Rods
What Is In Our Skies, Part 16 Preview: Skyfish, Flying Rods. Guess what? ;)
What Is In Our Skies, Part 16: Skyfish, Flying Rods, Solar Entities and Craft
What Is In Our Skies, Part 16: Skyfish, Flying Rods, Solar Entities and Craft.
This one's for you, Manny!
So, it appears skyfish are real and involved in this mess somehow. I haven't asked for anything from my viewers, but I want you to spread this one far and wide please. If I am correct, this is crucial.
Skyfish links below:
Please see What Is In Our Skies, Parts 1-15 for reference. Also, please check out the channels below. There are many of us documenting this.
What Is In Our Skies, Extras - Propulsion Glitches, Aurora, Weather
Aurora, Weather Machine, Propulsion, System, Area 51, UFO, SR-71, SR-72, Geoengineering, Chemtrails, Project Cloverleaf, Cloaking, Anti-Gravity, Hunk of Rusty, Nuclear-Powered, Aircraft Carrier, Piece of Junk.
Weather Modification, Part 1
What Is In Our Skies, Hurricane Isaac, August 28th, 2012.
What Is In Our Skies, Hurricane Isaac, August 28th, 2012. See anything angular? Or a dark cloud tail?
What Is In Our Skies, Part 17: Current Theories
Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian Defense Minister
Bill Uhouse, Disclosure Project, 2000-2001
Carol Rosin, Werner Von Braun
What Is In Our Skies, Intermission. HAARP cloud, September 6, 2012.
What Is In Our Skies, Intermission. HAARP cloud, September 6, 2012. Ok, so it's not a fleet of aircraft, but it's all connected! Notice the rings at the top at the beginning and then all throughout the formation at different elevations. Sped up 30x.
What Is In Our Skies, Part 18: Cloaking. Barium/Strontium Soup and Carbon Nanotube Paint
What Is In Our Skies, Part 18: Cloaking.
Barium/Strontium Soup and Carbon Nanotube Paint.
Sorry for all of the reading! But this is fresh info. Links below.
Project BlueBeam. Fake Alien Invasion. Coming into shape.
Nano Paint Could Make Airplanes Invisible to Radar 12.05.2011
Carbon Nanotube Stealth Paint Could Make Any Object Ultra-Black 12.06.2011
New Stealth Nano-Paint Turns Any Aircraft Into a Radar-Evading Stealth Plane 07.14.2010
Drones take South China Sea plunge 29.08.12
'Invisibility cloak' for tanks tested
ITN News Sept 7, 2011
Please see What Is In Our Skies, Parts 1-17 for reference. Also, please check out the channels below. There are many of us documenting this and more.
Drones,Triangles,lightening and pulsing clouds! Sean Gautreax gets it on film.
Published on Oct 10, 2012
Guest: New Orleans resident and photographer Sean GAUTREAX
TOPIC: Drones, exotic craft, triangles
After taking thousands of photographs and hundreds of hours of video, Sean, in June 2012, released the first 9 parts of "What Is In Our Skies." His discoveries point to the possibilities of drone warfare, the Weather Machine and even domestic drone spying. Since then he has released parts 9-18 which address cloaking technologies and the idea that skyfish are involved with the craft above. "The scary part is that this seems to be a global condition."
Sean is a book illustrator in New Orleans, LA. He revived a hobby of recording lightning in May 2011. After realizing something was not right with the weather, he delved deeper into the altered weather mystery. Strange video, radar anomalies and satellite photos revealed a some of the answers, but after witnessing a "UFO" in August of 2011, the hunt was on.
You Tube Channel: IndustrialSurrealism
What did we discuss on the show?
Weather changes
August 8th
The Big One and how the system works
Fake lightning
Nancy's eyewitness report and how it fit
Why I believe it is military
Releasing WIIOS (not NITWITS) in June
The others recording this on YouTube
After taking thousands of photographs and hundreds of hours of video, Sean, in June 2012, released the first 9 parts of "What Is In Our Skies." His discoveries point to the possibilities of drone warfare, the Weather Machine and even domestic drone spying. Since then he has released parts 9-18 which address cloaking technologies and the idea that skyfish are involved with the craft above. "The scary part is that this seems to be a global condition."
Sean is a book illustrator in New Orleans, LA. He revived a hobby of recording lightning in May 2011. After realizing something was not right with the weather, he delved deeper into the altered weather mystery. Strange video, radar anomalies and satellite photos revealed a some of the answers, but after witnessing a "UFO" in August of 2011, the hunt was on.
You Tube Channel: IndustrialSurrealism
Guest: New Orleans resident and photographer Sean GAUTREAX
TOPIC: Drones, exotic craft, triangles
After taking thousands of photographs and hundreds of hours of video, Sean, in June 2012, released the first 9 parts of "What Is In Our Skies." His discoveries point to the possibilities of drone warfare, the Weather Machine and even domestic drone spying. Since then he has released parts 9-18 which address cloaking technologies and the idea that skyfish are involved with the craft above. "The scary part is that this seems to be a global condition."
Sean is a book illustrator in New Orleans, LA. He revived a hobby of recording lightning in May 2011. After realizing something was not right with the weather, he delved deeper into the altered weather mystery. Strange video, radar anomalies and satellite photos revealed a some of the answers, but after witnessing a "UFO" in August of 2011, the hunt was on.
You Tube Channel: IndustrialSurrealism
What did we discuss on the show?
Weather changes
August 8th
The Big One and how the system works
Fake lightning
Nancy's eyewitness report and how it fit
Why I believe it is military
Releasing WIIOS (not NITWITS) in June
The others recording this on YouTube
After taking thousands of photographs and hundreds of hours of video, Sean, in June 2012, released the first 9 parts of "What Is In Our Skies." His discoveries point to the possibilities of drone warfare, the Weather Machine and even domestic drone spying. Since then he has released parts 9-18 which address cloaking technologies and the idea that skyfish are involved with the craft above. "The scary part is that this seems to be a global condition."
Sean is a book illustrator in New Orleans, LA. He revived a hobby of recording lightning in May 2011. After realizing something was not right with the weather, he delved deeper into the altered weather mystery. Strange video, radar anomalies and satellite photos revealed a some of the answers, but after witnessing a "UFO" in August of 2011, the hunt was on.
You Tube Channel: IndustrialSurrealism
What Is In Our Skies, Part 19: Recap
What Is In Our Skies, August 16th, 2012, Lightning
What Is In Our Skies, August 16th, 2012, Lightning. A breakdown of fake lightning recorded that afternoon. Watch Part 7 first
What Is In Our Skies, Sun Dogs or Hot Rods, Ice or Chemicals, Hot Dogs or Ice Cream
What Is In Our Skies, Sun Dogs and Hot Rods, Ice or Chemicals, Ice Cream or Hot Dogs?. Sun/sky light anomalies or craft exhaust. Big difference. Just another glitch in the sky. www.whatisinourskies.com
What Is In Our Skies, March 6th, 2012, Low Fly By
What Is In Our Skies, March 6th, 2012, Low Fly By. IR photography. Do you see it?
What Is In Our Skies, Photography Diagramming, November 10th , 13th
What Is In Our Skies, Diagramming, November 10th & 13th, 2011. Selected photographs from many dozens taken on the 2 days. Expect an extended part with even better photographs.
What Is In Our Skies, August 6th, 2011, Dark Delta and "Birds"
What Is In Our Skies, August 6th, 2011, Dark Delta and "Birds". All the way back to the beginning. 2 days before August 8th, 2011. This "energy vortex" flowing in the wrong direction. I had a feeling they were craft. 2 days later, I knew for sure. There are tons of fake birds/reflections in here. Hopefully soon, I will revisit this video and pick them all out.
What Is In Our Skies, January 24th, 2013. Sunset Craft and a Skyfish
What Is In Our Skies, January 24th, 2013. Sunset Craft and a Skyfish, Flying Rod. The little bogie pops in at 36 seconds. Also notice the background anomalies. I rarely do motion video (rather than still camera) but the sky was lit up. I did not see the skyfish with my eyes, but I was staring at the view in the camera. I thought it may have been a bird or fast insect. Nope. Rod.
Full spectrum, 1920x1080, 30 fps, slowed down to 25%.
▶ What Is In Our Skies, August 4th, 2012. Electrochromatic Panels. Barium Strontium Hologram. - YouTube
What Is In Our Skies, January 8th, 2012, Chemtrails and Skyfish
What Is In Our Skies, January 8th, 2012, Chemtrails and Skyfish. This reminds me of the recent video of a rod traveling into a volcano. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JO-ujK...
Also see http://youtu.be/3uCbjd8Rreg This is Part 16 with more skyfish and craft.
A big shout out to http://www.youtube.com/user/Chemtrail... Please check out his diligent work and sub to his channel. He is recording the same things out in the Mohave Desert.
my comment on this video
I have pictures of 2 rods seeming to come off of an airplane wing down toward my yard. The plane is very low because I am a mile from an airport and it was coming in for a landing . In the same video, I also caught some rods coming from above that plane at an angle and down towards the ground. Since I was filming the plane and you don't notice them until you do a frame by frame, I do not know if they actually go to ,or through the ground. I wish I knew...I have a feeling that they just keep on going through ....
▶ What Is In Our Skies, August 2011 IR Video Diagramming
▶ What Is In Our Skies, January 15, 2012, Skyfish and Birds -
What Is In Our Skies, January 15, 2012, Skyfish and Birds. Just some slow motion clippings of stuff that flies above. No audio. 1080p, HD, 30fps, near infrared, and beyond the human visual spectrum. Most clips are played at 5%-10% speed.
Please also see and subscribe to http://www.youtube.com/user/Chemtrail... . His videos are superior. Another cloaked craft observer.
▶ What Is In Our Skies, December 30th, 2011, Preview: Craft, Flying Rods, Skyfish and Chemwebs - YouTube
▶ Project Redbeam Steve Travesty 2013 02 14 - YouTube
Steve Travesty Project RedBeam February 14th, 2013 "What is in our Skies?" Interview with Sean Gautreaux his research into the military black ops ufos. Bernard Mendez adds his expertise, along with insight from Tony Paszek of Spirit Quest.
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WHO/WHAT Is In Our Skies, Episode 1. Cloaked Craft, Chemtrails, Nanotrails.
WHO/WHAT Is In Our Skies, Classics, Vol.1, Best Cloaked Craft Photos
WHO/WHAT Is In Our Skies, Classics, Vol.1, Best Cloaked Craft Photos. Some of the best photos of cloaked craft, but certainly not all. Vol 2 and 3 in the works.