I seek the truth about the oilspill,BP,advanced technologies used by the military industrial complex, HAARP, weather modification, chemtrails, man-made disasters includiing geoengineered ones like earthquakes and hurricanes, and the true capabilities of all the sciences which were coopted long ago.
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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Covid-19: A Different Perspective (Part 1)
A Different Perspective
© 2020 by John Reizer
Printed in the USA
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Published by Win-Can Publishers
We live in a world where cognitive dissonance runs
rampant within our society. Cognitive dissonance is the
mental discomfort people often experience when they
simultaneously juggle two or more beliefs that are in direct
opposition with one another. More simply written, it is the
state of psychological distress people experience when they
are presented with alternative viewpoints concerning
universally accepted truths (conspiracy theories).
There are conspiracy theories about many different
subjects. The moon landings, 911, and vaccines are just a
few of the biggest ones that we often read about. But there
are many more and all these subjects are enough to drive a
sane person crazy.
The thing that we should all be cognizant of as
everyday citizens is that if a trusted source lies to the public
about one thing, there’s a damn good chance they will lie
about something else. Hell, they might just lie about
everything else.
Unless you live in a vacuum, in the great state of
denial, you probably already realize that the powers that be
have lied to the public about many things throughout
modern history. Why do we continue to trust officialdom
and ridicule people that question it? Do we really believe
that there are no conspiracies happening in our world?
All people are governed by different governments on
this planet. Regardless of where you may happen to reside
in the world, you’re being lied to about something by a
governing body. All governments do this in order to keep
their citizens aligned with a paradigm that’s been well
thought out by a powerful structure of managerial elites
who remain hidden and in the shadows.
All modern-day subjects in existence have a different
library of knowledge related to them depending on who or
what may be accessing the subjects. What we’re told about
health sciences and medicine as healthcare consumers is far
different than the knowledge available to the powers that be
about said subjects. The same can be said about astronomy,
religion, politics, historical events, technology and pretty
much everything else that makes up the fabric of our
perceived reality construct.
When most people are presented with evidence that
suggests they’ve been intentionally taught inaccurate
information about a subject for most of their lives, they
become angry or dismiss the evidence as a conspiracy
theory. This is a defense mechanism the human mind
employs to block out the pain and anger associated with
people uncovering the truth about the world they live in.
Long before the words Fake News were popularized by
the powers that be to confuse people about the credibility of
alternative news sites, I created a website
called NoFakeNews. My reason for doing all of this was to
help others become cognizant of different subjects that
were routinely hidden from most members of society.
Since our very first days here, we’ve all been taught a
carefully scripted presentation about what’s real and what’s
not. Our collective perception of reality is very far removed
from what’s happening on this planet.
Our knowledge (or lack thereof) of many things
transpiring today has come to fruition from the information
we learned in educational and religious institutions
controlled by different governments that have a vested
interest in distorting the public’s understanding of life and
our existence here.
Since our reality construct is very much influenced
by the media sources that constantly surround us, it is
important for all persons to have access to more truthful
news products. Hopefully, this material will have a major
impact in helping people see a clearer picture of what is
taking place in the world regarding Covid-19 as well as
some other subjects that overlap the main theme of this
The Covid-19 world pandemic is being used by the
powers that be as a means of reaching an end goal — a
New World Order. It’s all part of the United Nations’
master plan of sustainable development, which translated
into simpler terms, equates to planetary slavery for the
masses that is ultimately run by big corporations.
Concerning the fake coronavirus pandemic, it’s
important to remember that a significant tentacle of the
United Nations is the World Health Organization, which
writes the policies and sets the directives the CDC and
other health regulatory agencies are following. There are
also a plethora of biotech corporations and pharmaceutical
giants inside the mix of corruption taking place.
The United Nations is in the process of implementing
strategies that will reeducate (indoctrinate) the world’s
children in such a way that they systematically fall in line
with and embrace specific goals that have been designed to
usher in a completely different looking world.
The strategies I am writing about were created by a
think tank that believes there’s a genuine need to deal with
a planet that is overpopulated and using up natural
resources at a quantity and rate of speed that is considered
by experts as being unsustainable.
The goals of the United Nations are to:
1. Transfer the world’s wealth to the super-rich at the
expense of the middle-class.
2. Increase the numbers of genetically modified crops
and foodstuffs to create more deficient nutrition,
which will lead to human immunity challenges and
more diseases.
3. Mandate vaccines for every living person on the
planet, which will cause the proliferation of diseases
around the world.
4. Brainwash young children to follow NWO ideas
and discourage them from critically-thinking about
important world issues.
5. Blur the lines between sexuality and gender
6. Allow mega-corporations to control the planet’s
water supplies.
7. Create taxes on household goods and limit their
8. Establish minimum wages for employment
opportunities and not reward jobs to the most
qualified applicants for specific trades.
9. Make unnecessary changes to existing infrastructure
that will increase taxes and financial burdens on the
citizenry worldwide.
10. Create international trade agreements that are
beneficial to big corporations and harmful to
individual citizens.
11. Relocate citizens into large urban communities with
heightened security and increased surveillance.
12. Restrict or limit the use of power and energy
consumption and impose penalties on offending
13. Create carbon taxes to combat alleged global
warming issues.
14. Create additional licenses and fines for fishermen
that exceed published fishing limits.
15. Limit citizens’ use and enjoyment of natural
16. Create tracking technology for all citizens and
increase the size and density of the police-state
already in existence.
17. Gradually blur the lines of national sovereignty and
dissolve individual countries and replace them with
world territories.
The current world pandemic is simply another
problem-reaction-solution scenario that has been launched
by the powers that be. It’s an attempt to nudge the herd in a
pre-determined direction that is necessary to achieve the
world government’s ultimate plan of establishing a New
World Order.
Yes, there is a MATRIX, and we are living within the
construct of its borders.
General Disease Promotion
As the years pass, it seems as though more terrifying
diseases are arriving on the scene. Autoimmune disorders,
Cancer, AIDS, Diabetes, cardiovascular problems, viruses,
and many other serious health conditions continue to make
their way into our lives.
On the surface, it is made to look like the
pharmaceutical companies are burning the oil day and night
to find a cure for these deadly diseases. Can you picture all
the scientists in a very sophisticated laboratory setting,
donned in white gowns peering down into rows of
microscopes? It is the hope of the average person that one
of these scientists will produce a cure for cancer or for one
of the other previously mentioned plagues currently
terrorizing humanity. Don’t hold your breath. It’s not going
to happen!
Do you know how much money is made by
pharmaceutical companies each year for the treatment
of Cancer? What about for the treatment of AIDS,
Diabetes, Heart Disease, Hypertension, Influenza, the
common cold, headaches, depression, or Rheumatoid
Arthritis? The answer is billions of dollars. That’s right –
billions of dollars are earned every year by multinational
pharmaceutical companies that have patents on various
drugs that are used to treat symptoms associated with these
deadly diseases.
Pharmaceutical companies depend on these diseases to
make large profits every year. It wouldn’t be very smart for
a pharmaceutical company to conduct research that would
lead to a cure for a specific disease. Why would a company
want to destroy a cash cow?
The healthcare industry is in the business of managing
symptoms and conditions of sickness. They’re in the
business of disease promotion. There is not much money to
be made by producing cures but quite a lot of money is
collected in the management of various diseases. The sicker
people get the more drugs they will require and the more
profits to be made by the pharmaceutical companies. This
is a vicious cycle and it is quite a convenient scenario for
an industry that is determined to expand its market
There are many forms of alternative healthcare that are
purposely being kept on the back burner and away from
healthcare consumers. These healing disciplines can offer
human beings safe and effective ways to maintain or even
regain their health naturally, without the use of toxic and
expensive chemicals.
Childhood Diseases
There’s a tremendous amount of disinformation being
discussed through the mainstream media about outbreaks
and epidemics concerning measles and other childhood
diseases. And of course, the media coverage always blames
the epidemics on anti-vaxxers; those dreaded conspiracy
nuts that refuse to receive vaccines and genuflect to the
church of medicine.
Public health officials regularly release reports to the
mainstream media about epidemics, pandemics, and
outbreaks of diseases. Then they encourage everybody to
rush out to medical facilities in order to receive vaccines to
protect themselves and loved ones.
Certain buzz words are often used interchangeably by
health regulatory agencies like the WHO and CDC as well
as by the mainstream media companies to purposely
mislead citizens about the dangers associated with certain
diseases that may or may not be affecting various
communities at any given time.
Endemic is the term used to describe a disease that
regularly exists in a certain community. For example,
measles is supposedly no longer endemic in the United
States because there has been an absence of reported,
continuous measles transmission cases for 12 months or
longer. According to health regulatory agencies, the disease
is only transmitted in the United States by unvaccinated
citizens that visit foreign territories and then bring it back
home. These individuals supposedly infect other US
citizens that have not been vaccinated.
Epidemic is the term used to describe a disease that
has increased its number of reported cases in a community
at a rate of one case more than was anticipated by health
regulatory agencies. For example, if a specific community
normally expected 5 cases of measles each year based on
previously reported health statistics, and suddenly 6 cases
were reported, this would be defined as an epidemic.
Pandemic is the term used to describe a situation
where several epidemics are being reported throughout a
country, in different countries or around the world at the
same time.
Outbreak is the term used to describe a disease that
has been reported in a community for the very first time or
not for several years. Or the cases currently being reported
are one case higher than previously reported. For example,
if a given community has one case of measles reported one
year and there are normally no cases reported, this would
be defined as an outbreak as well as an epidemic.
The reporting of epidemics and pandemics through
media sources are very confusing to the general public.
When people hear or read about these terms, they often
believe that millions of people are being infected with a
disease process. Truth be told, the terms epidemic,
pandemic, and outbreak are usually referencing only a few
cases of a disease process that have recently occurred.
It is vitally important that readers understand the
lexicon being used within the public health profession
before blindly jumping to conclusions and making poor
decisions that might end up harming them in the long run.
The mainstream media regularly reports that measles
occurs in the United States at near epidemic proportions.
This might seem really frightening to the average citizen.
But what these reports fail to disclose is that in the entire
United States, only 500 cases of measles or less are
reported annually.
There are approximately a little over 330 million
people living in the US as of 2020. Is this really a health
crisis? When the words epidemic and pandemic are
inserted, the reports seem a lot scarier than the raw
numbers would indicate.
In addition, the measles virus is not any more
dangerous for most human beings than the common cold.
We’re talking about a virus that lasts 7-10 days, produces
an immune system response of fever, coughing, runny nose
and a rash which is how the virus is expelled from the
Unless your immune system is severely compromised,
the measles, like all childhood illnesses, has a short
duration in the human body and leaves a person with
lifelong immunity and a more finely tuned immune system
that will have an easier time defending itself against other
microbial invaders over the course of a lifetime.
The common cold lasts 1-3 weeks, produces an
immune system response of fever, coughing and a runny
nose. And again, unless your immune system is severely
compromised it’s not a big deal for the average person. It’s
a bigger threat to compromised people than the measles and
other childhood illnesses.
Statistics being reported to the general public by
government regulatory agencies have to be reviewed with a
great deal of skepticism. These agencies routinely under-
reported polio cases by classifying them as meningitis and
they did similar sleight of hand calculations with other
diseases after vaccine campaigns were initiated many years
ago. According to a whistleblower in the movie VAXXED,
they still delete certain statistical data to suit whatever
agenda they want to promote.
Many incidents of upper respiratory disorders,
pneumonia, and rhinoviruses (common colds) are
undoubtedly being reported by the government regulating
agencies as influenza cases during the months of October –
May (Flu season). This is how the number of Influenza
deaths gets pumped up to the astronomical figures we have
become accustomed to seeing. What most people fail to
realize is that a lot of these people are probably dying from
other illnesses besides the flu such as the common cold,
pneumonia and strep infections. Many of these patients are
severely compromised because they take too many drugs,
are malnourished or extremely advanced in age.
There’s no vaccine or published cure for the common
cold so you rarely see anything being promoted by the
medical-industrial complex about a simple rhinovirus. If a
person’s immune system is very weak, the common cold
can be potentially as dangerous as the measles or influenza.
Our perceptions about many things are usually a lot
different than the realities associated with such happenings.
This phenomenon does not occur by accident. It happens
because media companies are constantly reporting
information they garner from government sources that have
been specifically designed to deceive the public.
If we watch television, read a newspaper, or listen to
the radio, we are absorbing disinformation from media
companies that affect our lives. This is especially true in
the case of healthcare news.
Presently there is an extremely strong campaign taking
place by the medical-industrial complex to push vaccines
on the general population. Likewise, there’s an equally
aggressive campaign taking place that is trying to attack
anti-vaxxers and people that display good common sense
when it comes to health and how to take care of their
bodies. You might say the overall strategy employed by the
powers that be is quite pandemic in nature and perhaps the
greatest threat to human physiology we’ve observed in a
long time.
Covid-19: What’s Happening?
Truth be told, we’re being fed disinformation by the
Centers for Disease Control and the World Health
Organization about the coronavirus. As I have written
previously, these regulatory agencies have a vested interest
in selling a paradigm that is in alignment with promoting
the idea that we are fighting a war against germs and that
without toxic drugs and vaccines, humans are doomed.
You must understand that most of the population in the
United States and Europe have grown up watching
television series and movie plots depicting viral and
bacterial microbes as tiny, menacing entities that are
always trying to kill people. We are so consumed, as a
society, by the false ideas that bacteria and viruses are a
threat to human beings, that we spend billions of dollars
annually on toxic hand sanitizers and disinfectant sprays.
We believe we’re in active combat with microbes because,
ultimately, that’s what we’ve been taught by the
pharmaceutical-industrial complex.
Bacterial and viral microbes outnumber the 7 billion
humans on our planet many times over, and for people to
think that they can successfully kill these organisms is an
insane concept. And you wouldn’t want to kill them, even
if you could. The reason being, they’re an essential part of
keeping us healthy and keeping life flourishing.
We’ve all watched too many movies about deadly viral
microbes that kill people in a matter of hours. We have this
crazy idea that unless you’re wearing a hazmat suit and
face masks, you’re going to get sick and die from microbial
invaders. It’s not true! You’re being lied to by several
credibly appearing sources and regulatory agencies.
Yes, you can become infected by bacteria and viruses.
This is true, but it’s not the result of being in the wrong
place at the right time. Bacteria and viruses are always
around. They live on the human skin and inside our bodies.
They only cause us problems when our resistance to them
is compromised. If your immune system is robust, you have
absolutely nothing to fear from bacteria or viruses. It
doesn’t matter if the germs are naturally occurring or they
were genetically modified in a laboratory. If your immune
system is working correctly, you’re not going to become
infected. And if you are compromised and do become
infected, most people will recover within a week or so,
because the body’s natural defenses were designed to keep
tiny microbes in check. If this weren’t the truth, we’d have
all died long ago.
What’s currently taking place in the world concerning
the coronavirus is purposeful deception. There’s a
significant psyop campaign in play, and it’s tantamount to
911. This is a classic problem-reaction-solution strategy
designed far in advance by gifted writers and producers and
intentionally implemented at this time to scare the hell out
of the people in the world to bring about several previously
planned agendas.
I am not afraid of the coronavirus. I fear the panic and
overreaction that the world is having in response to the lies
being spread by the powers that be. Are we willing to give
up our civil liberties and freedom because of a fake viral
epidemic? Unfortunately, I believe most people would
trade their freedom in a second for the false medical
solutions that will be forthcoming in the months and years
The mainstream news is showing pictures of the
coronavirus and people wearing hazmat suits 24 hours a
day. If I didn’t know better, I would think something dire is
taking place. But I do know better, and I also know that
what’s currently transpiring throughout the world is a fully
orchestrated psyop event that was created by gifted writers.
In October 2019, Event 201 was hosted by Johns
Hopkins University in New York City.(1) The Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation fully participated in the
festivities, which simulated a “very severe world
pandemic” that was supposedly caused by a novel
coronavirus. Months later, the new coronavirus story has
been put into action for real. This time the scriptwriters
didn’t take credit for the story they wrote like in the
simulation. This time you won’t have a chance to see the
writing credits for the award-winning script. It’s too bad
because the writers of this current movie being played out
could strongly contend for an Oscar.
The people and organizations associated with Event
201 are backtracking and trying to cover themselves.
(2) They’re saying that the simulation was associated with
a fictitious novel coronavirus and not Covid-19. Are you
kidding me? This simple explanation is supposed to
convince people that are not comatose, there’s zero
connection between the simulation and what’s currently
taking place?
My point is that Covid-19, like the simulated story
back in October, is a fake virus being used to scare people
worldwide and mess with the public’s psyche. And the
powers that be directing this movie script are scaring the
hell out of everybody and causing financial havoc along the
The world is going crazy with regards to the
coronavirus pandemic announced by the World Health
Organization. We are witnessing mass hysteria in the
population and constant fearmongering by the national and
international mainstream media companies.
I believe that Covid-19 is a manufactured event. And I
don’t mean the virus was engineered in a laboratory. My
contention is the virus is a complete fabrication that was
designed and distributed by gifted writers. The story has
gained traction through a plethora of directors, producers,
and actors.
In the United States, we have seen a whole host of
problems associated with the diagnostic lab testing
procedures related to Covid-19. The issue is a hot topic in
the news, and the reason regulatory agencies in the US are
getting criticized publicly for allowing the coronavirus to
go undetected longer than it should.
I believe there is more of a problem concerning lab
tests associated with the coronavirus than most people are
According to a New York Post article dated March 7,
2020, “Test protocols using the polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) were publicly available shortly after Chinese
researchers published (or described) the sequence of the
virus in mid-January.”(3) My questions: How do we know
the Chinese researchers have accurately described this
virus? Are we 100 percent certain that the DNA sequencing
of this coronavirus is spot on? And if it has not been
described 100 percent accurately, it means that all testing of
the virus through PCR recognition standards would be
flawed. We could be getting hundreds of thousands of
false-positive cases in China, and the rest of the world. This
situation could have been an accident or intentionally
calculated by Chinese scientists.
Even if the sequencing of the Covid-19 virus was
described accurately, there are some scientists and
researchers (4) that believe the PCR tests used to identify
the presence of Covid-19 are inaccurate in certain
situations. There are scenarios where PCR tests can give
both false negative and positive results. The tests are not
Because Covid-19 is perceived by so many people as a
death sentence and a rapidly expanding threat to the general
public, there has been a rush by the scientific community to
produce reliable diagnostic procedures to identify infected
patients. Because the development of said tests have been
rushed to market, it’s fair to question their accuracy. These
testing procedures ultimately create the numbers we see
reported in the news each day. They tell us how many
coronavirus cases are active, inactive, fatal, and resolved.
These numbers are what ultimately allow the regulatory
agencies to publish the scary buzzwords: outbreaks,
epidemics, and pandemics.
According to the same New York Post article
referenced above, “Laboratory tests typically contain what
is termed a “negative control” — material expected to
yield a negative result when tested, and which protects
against false-positive results stemming from
contamination or other issues. Many labs obtained
positive results with the negative controls, invalidating
test runs and precluding the use of the kits. Affected labs
were required to send their specimens to the overburdened
CDC.” (5) In other words, the PCR tests were flawed. The
tests yielded false-positive results, and these types of lab
errors are more common than people realize. This is
especially true with regards to new, never observed viruses
that can mutate faster than a speeding train.
Another critical item people fail to understand is that
Covid-19 cases are calculated by both confirmed and
presumptive positive cases. Confirmed cases have
undergone two positive results through the PCR diagnostic
tests, and presumptive positive cases have experienced only
one positive result. Case numbers are tallied by adding
presumptive positive cases into the fold. This inflates the
number of cases for reporting purposes.
It’s also important to understand that many Covid-19
cases early on were being diagnosed in China through CT
scans of the lung that were looking for the presence of
pneumonia. This is how many Covid-19 case numbers were
calculated and why the case numbers jumped through the
roof so suddenly, in my opinion.
Wuhan, China, is an area that suffers from inferior air
quality, and many people develop pneumonia-related
conditions because of air pollution alone. Many of the
coronavirus cases have most likely been misdiagnosed
through CT diagnostic imaging scans. An article from
Science Daily states, “Early diagnosis of COVID-19 is
crucial for disease treatment and control. Compared to
RT-PCR, chest CT imaging may be a more reliable,
practical and rapid method to diagnose and assess
COVID-19, especially in the epidemic area,” (6)
If we take into consideration the questionable accuracy
of the PCR diagnostic tests and the fact that many of the
confirmed cases of Covid-19 have come from CT imaging
of the chest, one has to seriously question the raw numbers
being reported worldwide concerning this over-hyped
Covid-19 is ultimately a common cold virus. We have,
in effect, shut down the world and are destroying world
economies because people have caught a cold virus. And as
is the case with any cold virus, those individuals in society
that are immunosuppressed will have a more difficult time
battling an opportunistic microbial invader.
Realistically speaking, we are not at war with germs.
Our immune system response to germs is the difference
between becoming ill and staying healthy when we
encounter bacterial or viral microbes. There are trillions of
viruses and bacteria in the environment. If we were indeed
at war with these microbes, we’d have all died long ago.
They Have Shut Down the World
The current coronavirus pandemic has shut down the
world. Living in the state of South Carolina, a part of the
USA, I see things transpiring that I never thought possible.
I have written fictional stories that pale in comparison to
the current script unfolding on the world stage.
How did we get to this point? The answer simply
stated is through regular mainstream media broadcasts that
have painted the medical profession as something it’s not –
an authority on healthcare.
Whether it’s been through television shows and movies
that glamorize hospital centers and medical doctors, or
through daily news telecasts that regularly bombard
viewing audiences with nonstop fabricated medical
accomplishments that have supposedly made the world’s
population healthier than in the past, people have formed a
collective opinion that allopathic medicine holds all the
answers when it comes to disease eradication and keeping
the world safe.
The church of medicine, as I like to refer to it, is
believed by society to be the sole authority on everything
associated with healthcare. Whatever the church of
medicine claims necessary for its parishioners (healthcare
consumers) is ultimately forced down the public’s throat
(pun intended).
Getting people to believe in the value of medicine has
been the long-term goal of pharmaceutical companies.
Their relentless commitment to this self-serving campaign
has turned the public sector into a massive congregation of
cheerleaders that ritualistically praise the medical industry.
Communities throughout America and around the world
regularly donate large amounts of money attempting to
build and maintain hospital centers. These organizations are
now the center points of all new communities.
Don’t get me wrong; there are plenty of good medical
doctors and surgeons in the world, and some medical
practice objectives can help save lives. But most of the
successes that can be attributed to modern medicine
usually come in the form of emergency-based care and
not from the area of managing diseases and restoring
health to the human body.
If we ever hope to improve the health of human beings
and raise the overall quality of healthcare that’s practiced in
the United States and other locations throughout the world,
we will need to break the stranglehold drug companies
have on the medical profession. These giant companies
have hijacked medicine and made it sick. We need to turn
our attention away from figuring out ways to pay for
medical care and start concentrating on ways to fix the
profession so that it stops making people sicker than they
already are.
Most people incorrectly assume that the key to disease
eradication is through the administering of vaccines and
antiviral medicines. These products do not prevent
illnesses, they have always caused the proliferation of
diseases. The fact that a new vaccine for Covid-19 is being
rushed to market by the church of medicine and the
governments of the world are applauding big pharma’s
attempt to quell the fake coronavirus pandemic tells you
something is rotten in Denmark, and I am not referring to
the sovereign territory.
The trillions of bacteria and viruses that generally exist
in the same environment and atmosphere we live in cannot
infect people with healthy immune systems. Once again, let
me point out that vaccines and suppressive drug therapies
weaken human immunity. By the way, so do disinfectants
and hand sanitizers.
If the powers that be wanted to truly improve the
collective immunity of the population, they would do the
opposite of what is currently being prescribed. Let
everybody go about their business and interact with one
another. The worst thing you can possibly do is isolate
people. Trying to hide from germs is a ridiculous concept,
and it doesn’t work. To create better immunity, we need to
be around microbes. This allows for the innate abilities of
the human immune system to recognize the microbial
landscape and adapt accordingly.
Viruses are parasitic by nature. This means they
require a host to survive and replicate. From a
microbiological standpoint, viruses that routinely kill their
hosts are cutting off their noses to spite their faces. In other
words, it does no good for a virus to kill its host. Because
of this fact, viruses modify themselves so that they can
coexist with hosts without harming them. Therefore, we see
the virulence of viral microbes decrease in intensity in
humans and other animals over time.
Very basic mistakes are being made regarding this
crisis. Granted, a big part of this miscalculation is taking
place because this is a false flag operation. This fact must
not be lost in the mix when trying to apply logic to the
overall situation.
In the future, we must evaluate medicine as a
profession and not blindly praise its false accomplishments
that have, ultimately, been fabricated by drug companies
and later promoted in peer-reviewed journals that are
owned and operated by the same companies. It’s time for
the members of the congregation (the general public) to get
off their knees and begin holding traditional medicine (the
church of medicine) accountable for its actions!
Why Case Numbers Keep Increasing
At the time of this writing, there were approximately
400,000 total cases of Covid-19 reported in the world. The
United States had 49,000 cases, and there were 588 deaths
reported. The number of severe cases requiring
hospitalization was reported at 1,175. In time, the statistics
and case numbers would rise dramatically.
The World Health Organization estimates that
worldwide, annual influenza epidemics result in about 3-5
million cases of severe illness and about 250,000 to
500,000 deaths.
The severe case numbers we are seeing reported by
regulatory agencies concerning Covid-19 pale in
comparison to published influenza data. Strictly looking at
the virus from a statistical standpoint, it’s a dud and not
really a threat to 99 percent of the population.
There are a lot of numbers being thrown around by so-
called experts concerning Covid-19. The problem is that
there are no real Covid-19 experts in existence. It’s
supposedly a new strain of previously existing
coronaviruses that have infected people around the world
for many years.
Also, we must seriously question any case numbers
being reported. The lab tests triggering the continuous rise
in coronavirus case numbers have had severe problems
associated with them since their inception. In my opinion,
many false-positive cases have been recorded because of
the existence of coronavirus antibodies or DNA fragments
of similar viruses being present in people that have
successfully defeated previous common cold infections.
Many of these cold infections were undoubtedly caused by
different coronaviruses. According to health experts, 20
percent of common colds worldwide or higher are thought
to be caused by coronaviruses that can trigger the same
primary symptoms in people as Covid-19.
The common cold most assuredly has tenfold the
number of annual cases compared to the influenza data
reported. It undoubtedly kills as many people and probably
many more than flu cases. You don’t hear about or see the
statistics because common cold viruses are not treated with
antiviral medicines and are not associated with vaccines.
Therefore, common cold viruses are not discussed by the
medical-industrial complex because there’s no financial
incentive to warrant a discussion. In fact, many of the
influenza case numbers are published higher than they
should be because, during the flu season months, the
common cold cases and deaths from these viruses are
incorrectly recorded as influenza statistics.
Statistics can be telling or downright misleading
depending on the accuracy or inaccuracy of the data being
input. How can we trust regulatory agencies such as the
CDC and the WHO when they have been found in the past
not to be trustworthy? I am sorry, but I have little faith in
these regulatory agencies, and I don’t trust the case
numbers being reported with regard to Covid-19 or
Another big piece of disinformation that keeps being
repeated by government leaders and so-called health
experts is that the virulence of Covid-19 is the determining
factor in whether people become infected or not. This is the
longstanding lie tethered to mainstream microbiology.
Bacterial and viral microbes don’t determine if a
person gets infected. The human immune system is the sole
determinant in the equation. If a person’s immune system is
working correctly, bacterial and viral microbes are a non-
issue for human beings.
When the powers that be paint a picture that invisible
microbes are lurking around every corner, waiting to infect
the next unfortunate person that happens to come along, it
makes for a far better and much scarier story. In this
scenario, it’s easier to get people all worked up. It’s also
easier to push the pharmaceutical-industrial complex’s
agenda of getting the world’s citizens to voluntarily take
antiviral medicines and vaccines that are already in
production facilities. These are hazardous medicines
(poisons) that will make society sicker than any virus
supposedly impacting the world.
I don’t think most people realize that many individuals
who encounter microbes like Covid-19 will remain
asymptomatic. These people are not carriers, they are
healthy, functioning humans. Symptoms and signs of
disease are not caused by the disease. This is another big lie
sitting in the middle of the room. Symptoms and signs of
illness in people are the immune system’s attempt to
dismantle and destroy the microbial opportunists affecting
a given physiological system.
Fever, triggered by the immune system and not by the
virus affecting a body system, prevents a viral microbe
from replicating. If allowed to run for many hours and not
artificially inhibited by over-the-counter medicines, the
increased body temperature will kill the infection.
For years, drug companies have been selling a lie
through mass marketing campaigns that fever is dangerous,
and people should take anti-fever, reducing drugs to
prevent brain damage. These corporate lies have led to a
culture of healthcare consumers that have traditionally
worked against their immune systems’ attempts to rid the
body of bacterial and viral infections.
The people that would be affected by Covid-19 (if this
virus truly exists in the first place) are individuals that have
underlying health issues. The people most likely to be
affected are persons on lots of prescription drugs and
people with extremely weakened immune systems.
The mainstream medical approach to solving Covid-19
and other similar illnesses is to make more FDA approved
poisons available for public consumption by healthcare
consumers. In the end, it’s all about selling more drugs and
vaccines to the world. That’s a big part of what’s going on
here. There are other agendas in play as well, but selling
drugs is also a part of the plan.
Covid-19 has been made into another intellectual
property owned and operated by big pharma. It will
produce billions of dollars like influenza in the years to
(continued in Part 2)
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