Books on Islam and jihad by Robert Spencer
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Arab Winter Comes to America: The Truth About the War We’re In A New Terror War At Home Overlooked by our media, purposely obscured by our own government, and unnoticed by the vast majority of Americans, the turmoil of the Islamic world’s “Arab Spring” has become an “Arab Winter,” bringing new threats of terror to America. New York Times bestselling author Robert Spencer, an expert on Islam and terrorism, reveals why America is shockingly unequipped to face this threat. In Arab Winter Comes to America: The Truth About the War We’re In, you’ll learn:

- Why the Obama administration has opted to appease rather than confront Islamic extremists in the United States
- The continued folly of our immigration laws, which could let terrorists slip in unnoticed
- Stories buried by the media and the Justice Department: how an Islamic terrorist plotted to blow up Wichita’s airport and other nearly unreported plots
- How a secret document seized from the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States — a group the Obama administration has zealously befriended — reveals the organization’s radical Islamic goals (including the imposition of sharia law in America)
- How a Seattle nightclub was set on fire on New Year’s Eve — in what may be the first manifestation of violent sharia morals enforcement in the United States
- How the Obama administration scrubbed vital, accurate information about Islamic jihad from its counterterrorism training materials — to appease Muslim pressure groups
- How Muslim “civil rights organizations” are pressuring potential witnesses to terror crimes not to cooperate with the authorities
Buy from Amazon in The US | Not Peace But a Sword: The Great Chasm Between Christianity and Islam Islam…Is it a religion of peace?…Are Muslims an easy ally in the fight against global secularization and the culture of death?…Are their beliefs really so different than our own? New York Times best-selling author, Robert Spencer, of more than a dozen books dealing with Islam and the West, warns Christians against the danger of thinking that Islam is an easy ally and shines the light of truth on areas where Christians and Muslims don t just quibble over small details but fundamentally disagree. Many Christian groups, including the Catholic Church, do recognize whatever is good and true in Islam, and their leaders rightly pursue peaceful accord and common ground with all religions. Spencer argues, however, that real peace can come only from truth. Where there is falsehood in Islamic doctrine, morals, and practice, papering over the truth actually hurts the cause of peace. He demonstrates how these differences are not academic but real-world. They are critical and drive Muslim behavior toward Christians and others. If we fail to open our eyes to these differences, we do so at our peril. |
Buy from Amazon in The US | Did Muhammad Exist?: An Inquiry into Islam’s Obscure Origins Are jihadists dying for a fiction? Everything you thought you knew about Islam is about to change. Did Muhammad exist? It is a question that few have thought–or dared–to ask. Virtually everyone, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, takes for granted that the prophet of Islam lived and led in seventh-century Arabia. But this widely accepted story begins to crumble on close examination, as Robert Spencer shows in his eye-opening new book. In his blockbuster bestseller The Truth about Muhammad, Spencer revealed the shocking contents of the earliest Islamic biographical material about the prophet of Islam. Now, in Did Muhammad Exist?, he uncovers that material’s surprisingly shaky historical foundations. Spencer meticulously examines historical records, archaeological findings, and pioneering new scholarship to reconstruct what we can know about Muhammad, the Qur’an, and the early days of Islam. The evidence he presents challenges the most fundamental assumptions about Islam’s origins. |
Buy from Amazon in The US | The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America Popular conservative blogger Pamela Geller and New York Times bestselling author Robert Spencer sound a wake-up call for Americans to stop the Obama administration from limiting our hard-won freedoms, silencing our democratic voices, and harming America for generations to come–now available in paperback. America is being tested in a way that she has never been tested before. Since taking the oath of office in January 2009, President Barack Obama has cheered our enemies and demoralized our allies. He is hard at work “remaking” America by destroying the free-market system and nationalizing major segments of our economy, demonizing dissent and restricting freedom of speech, turning against our longtime friends, and above all, subjecting us to the determinations of foreign authorities. In this timely and urgent battle cry, Pamela Geller, founder of the widely popular website AtlasShrugs.com, and bestselling author Robert Spencer team up to expose the Obama administration’s destructive agenda–largely ignored by the mainstream media–and rally Americans to protect the sovereignty of a country that is under siege. Geller and Spencer critically examine the Obama administration’s ominous and revealing moves against our basic freedoms, particularly as he seizes control of the three engines of the American economy: health care, energy, and education. The Post-American Presidency is a vital guide to helping conservatives prepare for the tough battles ahead. |
Buy from Amazon in The US | The Complete Infidel’s Guide to the Koran The Koran: It may be the most controversial book in the world. Some see it as a paean to peace, others call it a violent mandate for worldwide Islamic supremacy. How can one book lead to such dramatically different conclusions? New York Times bestselling author Robert Spencer reveals the truth in The Complete Infidel’s Guide to the Koran: not many Westerners know what’s in the Koran, since so few have actually read it — even among the legions of politicians, diplomats, analysts, and editorial writers who vehemently insist that the Koran preaches tolerance. Now, Spencer unveils the mysteries lying behind this powerful book, guiding readers through the controversies surrounding the Koran’s origins and its most contentious passages. Stripping out the obsolete debates, Spencer focuses on the Koran’s decrees toward Jews, Christians, and other Infidels, explaining how they were viewed in Muhammad’s time, what they’ve supposedly done wrong, and most important, what the Koran has in store for them. |
Buy from Amazon in The US | Stealth Jihad: How Radical Islam is Subverting America without Guns or Bombs Does America face a jihadist threat that’s even bigger than terrorism? While our homeland security efforts are focused on preventing terrorist attacks, another jihadist threat is growing right here in America–in plain sight. In Stealth Jihad, Islam expert and New York Times bestselling author Robert Spencer blows the whistle on a long-term plot by Islamic jihadists to undermine the United States. This effort aims not to bring America to its knees through attacks with guns or bombs, but to subvert the country from within–by gradually Islamizing America. The ultimate goal, the stealth jihadists themselves declare, is nothing less than the adoption of Islamic law in the United States. Describing the disturbing ease with which stealth jihadists have already become ensconced in the American political and media landscapes, Spencer exposes the full modus operandi of the movement as revealed in a stunning document unveiled in a recent terrorism funding trial. In this unsettling book, he explains: * Which Islamic fundamentalist organization is behind the stealth jihad * How stealth jihadists have reinvented themselves as mainstream civil rights activists–despite their many past declarations of Islamic supremacism * How stealth jihadists played a key role in formulating U.S. government guidelines for the War on Terror * How insistence on “accommodating” Islamic cultural and religious practices in America is part of a calculated strategy to achieve a dangerous larger agenda * The effort by stealth jihadists to whitewash the teaching of Islam in schools * What can be done to defeat the stealth jihad and preserve America’s liberty |
Buy from Amazon in The US | Religion of Peace?: Why Christianity Is and Islam Isn’t Christianity or Islam: which is the real “religion of peace”? Almost any liberal pundit will tell you that there’s a religion bent on destroying our Constitution, stripping us of our liberties, and imposing religious rule on the U.S. And that religion is . . .Christianity! About Islam, however, the Left is silent–except to claim a moral equivalence between the two: if Islam has terrorists today, that’s nothing compared to the Crusades, inquisitions, and religious wars in Christianity’s past. But is this true? Are conservative Christians really more of a threat to free societies than Islamic jihadists? Is the Bible really “just as violent” as the Qur’an? Is Christianity’s history really as bloodstained as Islam’s? In Religion of Peace? Why Christianity Is and Islam Isn’t, New York Times bestselling author Robert Spencer not only refutes such charges, but also explains why Americans and Europeans must regain an appreciation of our Christian heritage if we ever hope to defeat Islamic supremacism. In this eye opening work. |
Buy from Amazon in The US | The Truth About Muhammad: Founder of the World’s Most Intolerant Religion Muhammad: a frank look at his influential (and violent) life and teachings In The Truth about Muhammad, New York Times bestselling author and Islam expert Robert Spencer offers an honest and telling portrait of the founder of Islam-perhaps the first such portrait in half a century-unbounded by fear and political correctness, unflinching, and willing to face the hard facts about Muhammad’s life that continue to affect our world today. From Muhammad’s first “revelation” from Allah (which filled him with terror that he was demonpossessed) to his deathbed (from which he called down curses upon Jews and Christians), it’s all here-told with extensive documentation from the sources that Muslims themselves consider most reliable about Muhammad. Spencer details Muhammad’s development from a preacher of hellfire and damnation into a political and military leader who expanded his rule by force of arms, promising his warriors luridly physical delights in Paradise if they were killed in his cause. He explains how the Qur’an’s teaching on warfare against unbelievers developed-with constant war to establish the hegemony of Islamic law as the last stage. Spencer also gives the truth about Muhammad’s convenient “revelations” justifying his own licentiousness; his joy in the brutal murders of his enemies; and above all, his clear marching orders to his followers to convert non-Muslims to Islam-or force them to live as inferiors under Islamic rule. |
Buy from Amazon in The US | The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) Islam expert Robert Spencer reveals Islam’s ongoing, unshakable quest for global conquest and why the West today faces the same threat as the Crusaders did–and what we can learn from their experience. A clarion call for the defense of the West before it is too late.” — Ibn Warraq, author “A much-needed antidote to the poisonous propaganda that compromises our current battle against jihadist murder.” — Bruce Thornton, historian “An enormous amount of well-researched material. Throws the ball back into the camp of Arabist historians.” — Walid Phares, terror analyst “Assails, with much erudition, the taboos imposed by the Politically Correct League.” — Bat Ye’or, historian “The courageous Robert Spencer busts myths and tells truths about jihadists that no one else will tell.” — Michelle Malkin, bestselling author and columnist |
Buy from Amazon in The US | The Myth of Islamic Tolerance This collection of essays by some of the world’s leading authorities on Islamic social history focuses on the juridical and cultural oppression of non-Muslims in Islamic societies. The authors of these in-depth but accessible articles explode the widely diffused myth, promulgated by Muslim advocacy groups, of a largely tolerant, pluralistic Islam. In fact, the contributors lay bare the oppressive legal superstructure that has treated non-Muslims in Muslim societies as oppressed and humiliated tributaries, and they show the devastating effects of these discriminatory attitudes and practices in both past and contemporary global conflicts. Besides original articles, primary source documents here presented also elucidate how the legally mandated subjugation of non-Muslims under Islamic law stems from the Muslim concept of jihad — the spread of Islam through conquest. Historically, the Arab-Muslim conquerors overran vast territories containing diverse non-Muslim populations. Many of these conquered people surrendered to Muslim domination under a special treaty called dhimma in Arabic. As such these non-Muslim indigenous populations, mainly Christians and Jews, were then classified under Islamic law as dhimmis (meaning “protected”). Although protected status may sound benign, this classification in fact referred to “protection” from the resumption of the jihad against non-Muslims, pending their adherence to a system of legal and financial oppression, as well as social isolation. The authors maintain that underlying this religious caste system is a culturally ingrained contempt for outsiders that still characterizes much of the Islamic world today and is a primary impetus for jihad terrorism. Also discussed is the poll tax (Arabic jizya) levied on non-Muslims; the Islamic critique of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; the use of jihad ideology by twentieth-century radical Muslim theorists; and other provocative topics usually ignored by Muslim apologists. This hard-hitting and absorbing critique of Islamic teachings and practices regarding non-Muslim minorities exposes a significant human rights scandal that rarely receives any mention either in academic circles or in the mainstream press. |
Buy from Amazon in The US | Onward Muslim Soldiers: How Jihad Still Threatens America and the West In “Onward Muslim Soldiers,” the author of “Islam Unveiled” reveals why the threat of violent jihad is growing daily, despite America’s recent victory in Iraq. Spencer uncovers the cause of global violence as he goes straight to Muslim sources. Editorial Reviews A groundbreaking and thoroughly researched work that courageously exposes the greatest danger to civilized existence in the twenty-first century — Habib C. Malik Brilliantly argued and meticulously documented,… contains a devastating exposé of the murderous deceit behind contemporary apologists for militant Islam. — Steven Emerson Spencer takes the reader into the world of Islamic fundamentalism to show not only how the world views it, but — Walid Phares Written with brilliant intellectual honesty, this book is an indispensable companion for reference, understanding, and knowledge of a crucial subject — Bat Ye’or |
Buy from Amazon in The US | Inside Islam: A Guide for Catholics: 100 Questions and Answers Islam. For some, the word is frightening; for others, mysterious. For all, it is a religious force that cannot be ignored. Now here’s a question-and-answer book on Islam written specifically for Catholics. Inside Islam addresses Islam’s controversial teachings on God, jihad, the role of women, and more. |
Buy from Amazon in The US | Islam Unveiled: Disturbing Questions about the World’s Fastest-Growing Faith In “Islam Unveiled,” Robert Spencer dares to face the hard questions about what the Islamic religion actually teaches–and the potentially ominous implications of those teachings for the future of both the Muslim world and the West. Going beyond the shallow distinction between a “true” peaceful Islam and the “hijacked” Islam of terrorist groups, Spencer probes the Koran and Islamic traditions (as well as the history and present-day situation of the Muslim world) as part of his inquiry into why the world’s fastest growing faith tends to arouse fanaticism. “Islam Unveiled” evaluates the relationship between Islamic fundamentalism and “mainstream” Islam; the fixation with violence and jihad; the reasons for Muslims’ disturbing treatment of women; and devastating effects of Muslim polygamy and Islamic divorce laws. Spencer explores other daunting questions–why the human rights record of Islamic countries is so unrelievedly grim and how the root causes of this record exist in basic Muslim beliefs; why science and high culture died out in the Muslim world–and why this is a root cause of modern Muslim resentment. He evaluates what Muslims learn from the life of Muhammad, the man that Islam hails as the supreme model of human behavior. Above all, this provocative work grapples with the question that most preoccupies us today: can Islam create successful secularized societies that will coexist peacefully with the West’s multicultural mosaic? |
... Books on Islam and jihad by Robert Spencer
ZawahiriBooks Buy from Amazon in The US--Buy from Amazon in Canada--Buy from Amazon in the UK--Arab Winter Comes to America: The Truth About the War We’re In A New Terror War At Home Overlooked by our media, purposely obscured by our own government, and unnoticed by the vast majority of Americans, the turmoil of the Islamic world’s “Arab Spring” has become an “Arab Winter,” bringing new threats of terror to America. New York Times bestselling author Robert Spencer, an expert on Islam and terrorism, reveals why America is shockingly unequipped to face this threat. In Arab Winter Comes to America: The Truth About the War We’re In, you’ll learn: ◾Why the Obama administration has opted to appease rather than confront Islamic extremists in the United States ◾The continued folly of our immigration laws, which could let terrorists slip in unnoticed ◾Stories buried by the media and the Justice Department: how an Islamic terrorist plotted to blow up Wichita’s airport and other nearly unreported plots ◾How a secret document seized from the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States — a group the Obama administration has zealously befriended — reveals the organization’s radical Islamic goals (including the imposition of sharia law in America) ◾How a Seattle nightclub was set on fire on New Year’s Eve — in what may be the first manifestation of violent sharia morals enforcement in the United States ◾How the Obama administration scrubbed vital, accurate information about Islamic jihad from its counterterrorism training materials — to appease Muslim pressure groups ◾How Muslim “civil rights organizations” are pressuring potential witnesses to terror crimes not to cooperate with the authorities The “Arab Spring” uncorked a jihadist genie in North Africa and the Middle East. It is about to wreak its mayhem here, with renewed terrorism. Americans need to inform themselves of the threat — and ensure that their elected government in Washington takes action. Robert Spencer’s Arab Winter Comes to America sounds the alarm and shows what needs to be done. It is essential reading. Order here. -- Buy from Amazon in The US--Buy from Amazon in Canada--Buy from Amazon in the UK-- Not Peace But a Sword: The Great Chasm Between Christianity and Islam Islam…Is it a religion of peace?…Are Muslims an easy ally in the fight against global secularization and the culture of death?…Are their beliefs really so different than our own? New York Times best-selling author, Robert Spencer, of more than a dozen books dealing with Islam and the West, warns Christians against the danger of thinking that Islam is an easy ally and shines the light of truth on areas where Christians and Muslims don t just quibble over small details but fundamentally disagree. Many Christian groups, including the Catholic Church, do recognize whatever is good and true in Islam, and their leaders rightly pursue peaceful accord and common ground with all religions. Spencer argues, however, that real peace can come only from truth. Where there is falsehood in Islamic doctrine, morals, and practice, papering over the truth actually hurts the cause of peace. He demonstrates how these differences are not academic but real-world. They are critical and drive Muslim behavior toward Christians and others. If we fail to open our eyes to these differences, we do so at our peril. Buy from Amazon in The US--Buy from Amazon in Canada--Buy from Amazon in the UK-- Did Muhammad Exist?: An Inquiry into Islam’s Obscure Origins Are jihadists dying for a fiction? Everything you thought you knew about Islam is about to change. Did Muhammad exist? It is a question that few have thought–or dared–to ask. Virtually everyone, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, takes for granted that the prophet of Islam lived and led in seventh-century Arabia. But this widely accepted story begins to crumble on close examination, as Robert Spencer shows in his eye-opening new book. In his blockbuster bestseller The Truth about Muhammad, Spencer revealed the shocking contents of the earliest Islamic biographical material about the prophet of Islam. Now, in Did Muhammad Exist?, he uncovers that material’s surprisingly shaky historical foundations. Spencer meticulously examines historical records, archaeological findings, and pioneering new scholarship to reconstruct what we can know about Muhammad, the Qur’an, and the early days of Islam. The evidence he presents challenges the most fundamental assumptions about Islam’s origins. Buy from Amazon in The US--Buy from Amazon in Canada--Buy from Amazon in the UK-- The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America Popular conservative blogger Pamela Geller and New York Times bestselling author Robert Spencer sound a wake-up call for Americans to stop the Obama administration from limiting our hard-won freedoms, silencing our democratic voices, and harming America for generations to come–now available in paperback. America is being tested in a way that she has never been tested before. Since taking the oath of office in January 2009, President Barack Obama has cheered our enemies and demoralized our allies. He is hard at work “remaking” America by destroying the free-market system and nationalizing major segments of our economy, demonizing dissent and restricting freedom of speech, turning against our longtime friends, and above all, subjecting us to the determinations of foreign authorities. In this timely and urgent battle cry, Pamela Geller, founder of the widely popular website AtlasShrugs.com, and bestselling author Robert Spencer team up to expose the Obama administration’s destructive agenda–largely ignored by the mainstream media–and rally Americans to protect the sovereignty of a country that is under siege. Geller and Spencer critically examine the Obama administration’s ominous and revealing moves against our basic freedoms, particularly as he seizes control of the three engines of the American economy: health care, energy, and education. The Post-American Presidency is a vital guide to helping conservatives prepare for the tough battles ahead. Buy from Amazon in The US--Buy from Amazon in Canada--Buy from Amazon in the UK-- The Complete Infidel’s Guide to the Koran The Koran: It may be the most controversial book in the world. Some see it as a paean to peace, others call it a violent mandate for worldwide Islamic supremacy. How can one book lead to such dramatically different conclusions? New York Times bestselling author Robert Spencer reveals the truth in The Complete Infidel’s Guide to the Koran: not many Westerners know what’s in the Koran, since so few have actually read it — even among the legions of politicians, diplomats, analysts, and editorial writers who vehemently insist that the Koran preaches tolerance. Now, Spencer unveils the mysteries lying behind this powerful book, guiding readers through the controversies surrounding the Koran’s origins and its most contentious passages. Stripping out the obsolete debates, Spencer focuses on the Koran’s decrees toward Jews, Christians, and other Infidels, explaining how they were viewed in Muhammad’s time, what they’ve supposedly done wrong, and most important, what the Koran has in store for them. Buy from Amazon in The US--Buy from Amazon in Canada--Buy from Amazon in the UK-- Stealth Jihad: How Radical Islam is Subverting America without Guns or Bombs Does America face a jihadist threat that’s even bigger than terrorism? While our homeland security efforts are focused on preventing terrorist attacks, another jihadist threat is growing right here in America–in plain sight. In Stealth Jihad, Islam expert and New York Times bestselling author Robert Spencer blows the whistle on a long-term plot by Islamic jihadists to undermine the United States. This effort aims not to bring America to its knees through attacks with guns or bombs, but to subvert the country from within–by gradually Islamizing America. The ultimate goal, the stealth jihadists themselves declare, is nothing less than the adoption of Islamic law in the United States. Describing the disturbing ease with which stealth jihadists have already become ensconced in the American political and media landscapes, Spencer exposes the full modus operandi of the movement as revealed in a stunning document unveiled in a recent terrorism funding trial. In this unsettling book, he explains: * Which Islamic fundamentalist organization is behind the stealth jihad * How stealth jihadists have reinvented themselves as mainstream civil rights activists–despite their many past declarations of Islamic supremacism * How stealth jihadists played a key role in formulating U.S. government guidelines for the War on Terror * How insistence on “accommodating” Islamic cultural and religious practices in America is part of a calculated strategy to achieve a dangerous larger agenda * The effort by stealth jihadists to whitewash the teaching of Islam in schools * What can be done to defeat the stealth jihad and preserve America’s liberty Buy from Amazon in The US--Buy from Amazon in Canada--Buy from Amazon in the UK-- Religion of Peace?: Why Christianity Is and Islam Isn’t Christianity or Islam: which is the real “religion of peace”? Almost any liberal pundit will tell you that there’s a religion bent on destroying our Constitution, stripping us of our liberties, and imposing religious rule on the U.S. And that religion is . . .Christianity! About Islam, however, the Left is silent–except to claim a moral equivalence between the two: if Islam has terrorists today, that’s nothing compared to the Crusades, inquisitions, and religious wars in Christianity’s past. But is this true? Are conservative Christians really more of a threat to free societies than Islamic jihadists? Is the Bible really “just as violent” as the Qur’an? Is Christianity’s history really as bloodstained as Islam’s? In Religion of Peace? Why Christianity Is and Islam Isn’t, New York Times bestselling author Robert Spencer not only refutes such charges, but also explains why Americans and Europeans must regain an appreciation of our Christian heritage if we ever hope to defeat Islamic supremacism. In this eye opening work. Buy from Amazon in The US--Buy from Amazon in Canada--Buy from Amazon in the UK-- The Truth About Muhammad: Founder of the World’s Most Intolerant Religion Muhammad: a frank look at his influential (and violent) life and teachings In The Truth about Muhammad, New York Times bestselling author and Islam expert Robert Spencer offers an honest and telling portrait of the founder of Islam-perhaps the first such portrait in half a century-unbounded by fear and political correctness, unflinching, and willing to face the hard facts about Muhammad’s life that continue to affect our world today. From Muhammad’s first “revelation” from Allah (which filled him with terror that he was demonpossessed) to his deathbed (from which he called down curses upon Jews and Christians), it’s all here-told with extensive documentation from the sources that Muslims themselves consider most reliable about Muhammad. Spencer details Muhammad’s development from a preacher of hellfire and damnation into a political and military leader who expanded his rule by force of arms, promising his warriors luridly physical delights in Paradise if they were killed in his cause. He explains how the Qur’an’s teaching on warfare against unbelievers developed-with constant war to establish the hegemony of Islamic law as the last stage. Spencer also gives the truth about Muhammad’s convenient “revelations” justifying his own licentiousness; his joy in the brutal murders of his enemies; and above all, his clear marching orders to his followers to convert non-Muslims to Islam-or force them to live as inferiors under Islamic rule. Buy from Amazon in The US--Buy from Amazon in Canada--Buy from Amazon in the UK-- The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) Islam expert Robert Spencer reveals Islam’s ongoing, unshakable quest for global conquest and why the West today faces the same threat as the Crusaders did–and what we can learn from their experience. A clarion call for the defense of the West before it is too late.” — Ibn Warraq, author “A much-needed antidote to the poisonous propaganda that compromises our current battle against jihadist murder.” — Bruce Thornton, historian “An enormous amount of well-researched material. Throws the ball back into the camp of Arabist historians.” — Walid Phares, terror analyst “Assails, with much erudition, the taboos imposed by the Politically Correct League.” — Bat Ye’or, historian “The courageous Robert Spencer busts myths and tells truths about jihadists that no one else will tell.” — Michelle Malkin, bestselling author and columnist Buy from Amazon in The US--Buy from Amazon in Canada--Buy from Amazon in the UK-- The Myth of Islamic Tolerance This collection of essays by some of the world’s leading authorities on Islamic social history focuses on the juridical and cultural oppression of non-Muslims in Islamic societies. The authors of these in-depth but accessible articles explode the widely diffused myth, promulgated by Muslim advocacy groups, of a largely tolerant, pluralistic Islam. In fact, the contributors lay bare the oppressive legal superstructure that has treated non-Muslims in Muslim societies as oppressed and humiliated tributaries, and they show the devastating effects of these discriminatory attitudes and practices in both past and contemporary global conflicts. Besides original articles, primary source documents here presented also elucidate how the legally mandated subjugation of non-Muslims under Islamic law stems from the Muslim concept of jihad — the spread of Islam through conquest. Historically, the Arab-Muslim conquerors overran vast territories containing diverse non-Muslim populations. Many of these conquered people surrendered to Muslim domination under a special treaty called dhimma in Arabic. As such these non-Muslim indigenous populations, mainly Christians and Jews, were then classified under Islamic law as dhimmis (meaning “protected”). Although protected status may sound benign, this classification in fact referred to “protection” from the resumption of the jihad against non-Muslims, pending their adherence to a system of legal and financial oppression, as well as social isolation. The authors maintain that underlying this religious caste system is a culturally ingrained contempt for outsiders that still characterizes much of the Islamic world today and is a primary impetus for jihad terrorism. Also discussed is the poll tax (Arabic jizya) levied on non-Muslims; the Islamic critique of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; the use of jihad ideology by twentieth-century radical Muslim theorists; and other provocative topics usually ignored by Muslim apologists. This hard-hitting and absorbing critique of Islamic teachings and practices regarding non-Muslim minorities exposes a significant human rights scandal that rarely receives any mention either in academic circles or in the mainstream press. Buy from Amazon in The US--Buy from Amazon in Canada--Buy from Amazon in the UK-- Onward Muslim Soldiers: How Jihad Still Threatens America and the West In “Onward Muslim Soldiers,” the author of “Islam Unveiled” reveals why the threat of violent jihad is growing daily, despite America’s recent victory in Iraq. Spencer uncovers the cause of global violence as he goes straight to Muslim sources. Editorial Reviews A groundbreaking and thoroughly researched work that courageously exposes the greatest danger to civilized existence in the twenty-first century — Habib C. Malik Brilliantly argued and meticulously documented,… contains a devastating exposé of the murderous deceit behind contemporary apologists for militant Islam. — Steven Emerson Spencer takes the reader into the world of Islamic fundamentalism to show not only how the world views it, but — Walid Phares Written with brilliant intellectual honesty, this book is an indispensable companion for reference, understanding, and knowledge of a crucial subject — Bat Ye’or Buy from Amazon in The US--Buy from Amazon in Canada--Buy from Amazon in the UK-- Inside Islam: A Guide for Catholics: 100 Questions and Answers Islam. For some, the word is frightening; for others, mysterious. For all, it is a religious force that cannot be ignored. Now here’s a question-and-answer book on Islam written specifically for Catholics. Inside Islam addresses Islam’s controversial teachings on God, jihad, the role of women, and more. Buy from Amazon in The US--Buy from Amazon in Canada--Buy from Amazon in the UK-- Islam Unveiled: Disturbing Questions about the World’s Fastest-Growing Faith In “Islam Unveiled,” Robert Spencer dares to face the hard questions about what the Islamic religion actually teaches–and the potentially ominous implications of those teachings for the future of both the Muslim world and the West. Going beyond the shallow distinction between a “true” peaceful Islam and the “hijacked” Islam of terrorist groups, Spencer probes the Koran and Islamic traditions (as well as the history and present-day situation of the Muslim world) as part of his inquiry into why the world’s fastest growing faith tends to arouse fanaticism. “Islam Unveiled” evaluates the relationship between Islamic fundamentalism and “mainstream” Islam; the fixation with violence and jihad; the reasons for Muslims’ disturbing treatment of women; and devastating effects of Muslim polygamy and Islamic divorce laws. Spencer explores other daunting questions–why the human rights record of Islamic countries is so unrelievedly grim and how the root causes of this record exist in basic Muslim beliefs; why science and high culture died out in the Muslim world–and why this is a root cause of modern Muslim resentment. He evaluates what Muslims learn from the life of Muhammad, the man that Islam hails as the supreme model of human behavior. Above all, this provocative work grapples with the question that most preoccupies us today: can Islam create successful secularized societies that will coexist peacefully with the West’s multicultural mosaic?
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- Kurdistan
- Kuwait
- Kyrgyzstan
- Lebanon
- Leftist/Jihadist Alliance
- Liberia
- Libya
- Lithuania
- love jihad
- Macedonia
- madrassas
- Malawi
- Malaysia
- Maldives
- Mali
- Mauritania
- Mexico
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Moderate Muslims
- Montenegro
- moral equivalence
- Morocco
- mosques
- Muhammad cartoons
- Muslim American Society
- Muslim Brotherhood
- Muslim clerics
- Muslim persecution of Christians
- Muslim Students Association
- Muslims against terror
- Myanmar
- Nepal
- Netherlands
- New York City
- New Zealand
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Non-Muslims in Muslim countries
- North Korea
- North Ossetia
- Norway
- oil and energy
- Organization of the Islamic Conference
- Pakistan
- Pakistan's double game
- Palestinian Authority
- Palestinian jihad
- Paraguay
- Penal Code
- Philippines
- Poland
- Portugal
- Qatar
- Quebec
- Qur'an
- Ramadan
- Religion
- Robert Spencer
- Russia
- Saudi Arabia
- Scotland
- Senegal
- Serbia
- Sharia
- Sharia finance
- Sikhs
- Singapore
- slavery
- Somalia
- South Africa
- South Korea
- Spain
- Sri Lanka
- Stealth Jihad
- Stop Islamization of America
- Sudan
- Sufis
- suicide bombing
- Sunni-Shi'ite Jihad
- Suriname
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Syria
- Tajikistan
- Taliban
- Tanzania
- Taqiyya
- Thailand
- There Is No Fun In Islam
- Trinidad
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- Turkmenistan
- Uganda
- Ukraine
- Uncategorized
- United Arab Emirates
- United Kingdom
- United Nations
- United States
- Useful idiots
- Uzbekistan
- Vatican City
- Vehicular jihad
- Venezuela
- Vietnam
- War is deceit
- willful ignorance
- women's rights in Islam
- Yemen
- Zanzibar
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