Where the esoteric meets the political
- This Saturday - David McGowan - Who Created the Ferguson Riots? & Satanic Ritual Murder Celebrities
- MKULTRA Project Monarch survivor, Cathy O'Brien gives SOULutions to our world's problems stemming from Trauma-Based Mind Control.
- L.A. Marzulli, is On the Trail of the Nephilim. Biblical prophecies, occult and esoteric sites, the rise of Lucifer and the mark of the beast.
- UFO researcher, Richard Dolan, From Subterranean Grey Extraterrestrial DUMB’s to Ancient Aliens how will disclosure happen?
- Paranormal expert, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Shape-shifting djinn may be responsible for many forms of paranormal phenomena. Does this relate to CERN opening a portal to another dimension?
- Renowned author, Jay Weidner, Sorcery of our Masters and the Alchemy of Release. From sugar and grains to religion and war. Are you eating slave food?
- Author Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, what is the Hidden History leading to Corporate Space War? Nazi Nuclear Weapons, Anti-Gravity, Time Control Weapons,
- This Saturday - David McGowan - Who Created the Ferguson Riots? & Satanic Ritual Murder Celebrities
From Lady Gaga to Barack Obama, the occult affects us all. Watch 100′s of hours of documentaries on the Illuminati’s use of the “Dark Arts” in politics, movies, and music. Learn what you need to know to keep your family safe from mind control. Learn the true meaning of symbols around you. Witness “High Profile Rituals” being performed.
Has Satan removed his disguise?
This is where the esoteric meets the political.
Project Bluebeam, Demons and the Mark of the Beast
- Title
- Celebrity Mind Control and MK ULTRA - DarkSpace Rabbit Hole #02
- Runtime
- 11:12
- View count
- 123,282
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