An ethical person - like a politician, banker or lawyer - may know right from wrong, but unlike many of them, a moral person lives it. An Americanist first already knows that. Bankers and their government agents will always act in their own best interests. Any residual benefit flowing down to the citizens by happenstance will just be litter.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
EXPOSED - High Treason Within Our Gates: Sen. Joseph McCarthy: Marquette Audio Collection
Posted by Charleston Voice
Sen. McCarthy exposes all the treason - with names - whose policies are at the root of our tragedy today. It's all here. Just hearing his testimonies will leave you with a clear understanding why the senator is still hated today to the utmost degree by our subversive Left. He had to go. And so the greatest whistleblower of all time went.
Hard to say how much longer these clips will be available to the public, so copy, download, or do whatever you must to preserve them. Here's a 'teaser clip' to whet your whistle: Government Printing Office and Rothschild, 1954
Hard to say how much longer these clips will be available to the public, so copy, download, or do whatever you must to preserve them. Here's a 'teaser clip' to whet your whistle: Government Printing Office and Rothschild, 1954
Read our related post: The Real McCarthy Record
- Army-McCarthy hearings, 1954
Anti-communist movements -- United States -- History; Army-McCarthy Controversy, 1954; McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957; McCarthyism; Schine, G. David (Gerard David), 1927-1996; Stevens, Robert Ten Broeck, 1899-1983;- Senator McCarthy comments on the Army-McCarthy hearings while addressing an audience of Republicans in Wausau, Wisconsin. The hearings had opened sixteen days before, on April 22, 1954, and would continue until June 17, 1954. In this excerpt...
- Senator Joe McCarthy - Audio Excerpts, 1950-1954
- Barn story, 1952
Anti-communist movements -- United States -- History; Hiss, Alger; Institute of Pacific Relations; Jessup, Philip C. (Philip Caryl), 1897-; Lattimore, Owen, 1900-1989; McCarran, Pat, 1876-1954; McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957; McCarthyism; McMahon,...
Senator McCarthy describes the discovery, in February 1951, of a cache of documents stored in a barn outside of Lee, Massachusetts. The documents originated with the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR), an international organization dedicated to...- Senator Joe McCarthy - Audio Excerpts, 1950-1954
- Blockade of Red China, 1952
Anti-communist movements -- United States -- History; Bullitt, William C. (William Christian), 1891-1967; Korean War, 1950-1953; MacArthur, Douglas, 1880-1964; McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957; Russell, Richard B. (Richard Brevard), 1897-1971;...
Senator McCarthy criticizes the Truman administration for ordering the U.S. Navy's 7th Fleet to prevent Chinese Nationalist forces from blockading Communist ports on mainland China. Drawing on the testimony of Ambassador Bullett and General...- Senator Joe McCarthy - Audio Excerpts, 1950-1954
- Communists at Harvard University, 1954
Anti-communist movements -- United States -- History; Furry, W. H. (Wendell Hinkle), 1907-; Harvard University -- Employees -- Political activity; McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957; McCarthyism; Pusey, Nathan M. (Nathan Marsh), 1907-2001;
Senator McCarthy denounces alleged communists at Harvard University, singling out Wendell Furry, a Harvard faculty member and civilian scientist who participated in research efforts at Fort Monmouth's Army Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories....- Senator Joe McCarthy - Audio Excerpts, 1950-1954
- Communists in defense industry, 1954
Anti-communist movements -- United States -- History; Army-McCarthy Controversy, 1954; McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957; McCarthyism;
Senator McCarthy discusses the difficulty he faces in removing "Fifth Amendment communists" from defense work, particularly in the development of atomic and hydrogen weapons. He claims that communists have access to all of America's...- Senator Joe McCarthy - Audio Excerpts, 1950-1954
- Defense of methods, 1952
Alsop, Joseph, 1910-1989; Capital Times (Madison, Wis.); Childs, Mark; Pearson, Drew, 1897-1969; McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957; McCarthyism; Milwaukee journal; Time;
Senator McCarthy defends his anti-communist methods at a veterans’ gathering in Rhinelander, Wisconsin. After denouncing several of his critics in press and radio, McCarthy vows that he will use “lumberjack tactics” to remove communists from...- Senator Joe McCarthy - Audio Excerpts, 1950-1954
- Definition of McCarthyism, 1951
Anti-communist movements -- United States -- History; McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957; McCarthyism;
Senator McCarthy is asked by journalist Bill Henry to define the term McCarthyism. The audience consists of journalists from across the country. The location of this panel discussion is unknown; however, it is believed to have taken place in late...- Senator Joe McCarthy - Audio Excerpts, 1950-1954
- Denunciation of Capital Times newspaper, 1950
Anti-communist movements -- United States -- History; Budenz, Louis F. (Louis Francis), 1891-1972; Capital Times (Madison, Wis.); Daily Worker (New York); Evjue, William Theodore, 1882-1970; McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957; McCarthyism; Parker, Cedric;
Senator McCarthy compares the Capital Times newspaper of Madison, Wisconsin with the New York Daily Worker newspaper published by Communist Party USA. McCarthy claims that the Capital Times voices the official Communist Party line, and he...- Senator Joe McCarthy - Audio Excerpts, 1950-1954
- Denunciation of Stevenson campaign slogan, 1952
Acheson, Dean, 1893-1971; Anti-communist movements -- United States -- History; Congress of Industrial Organizations (U.S.); Democratic Party (U.S.); Korean War, 1950-1953; McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957; Presidents -- United States -- Election --...
Senator McCarthy denounces the slogan -- "You ain't ever had it so good" -- used by the Adlai Stevenson presidential campaign. He argues that the Democrats are celebrating a wartime prosperity that is being purchased at a high cost in...- Senator Joe McCarthy - Audio Excerpts, 1950-1954
- Edward R. Murrow, 1954
Anti-communist movements -- United States -- History; Duggan, Stephen, 1870-1950; Dulles, John Foster, 1888-1959; Institute of International Education (New York, N.Y.); McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957; McCarthyism; Murrow, Edward R.; New York times;
Senator McCarthy responds to Edward R. Murrow's critical report about him, delivered on Murrow's See It Now television program on March 9, 1954. McCarthy describes Murrow's involvement during the 1930s with the Institute of International Education,...- Senator Joe McCarthy - Audio Excerpts, 1950-1954
- Fall of Poland, 1950
Acheson, Dean, 1893-1971; Anti-communist movements -- United States -- History; Cold War; Lane, Arthur Bliss, 1894-1956; McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957; Poland -- History -- 1945-; Potsdam Conference (1945); Teheran Conference (1943); Yalta Conference...
Senator McCarthy describes the alleged betrayal of Poland by the U.S. government since the end of World War II. He criticizes Secretary of State Dean Acheson and the Truman administration for approving a $90 million loan to Poland's post-war...- Senator Joe McCarthy - Audio Excerpts, 1950-1954
- Favorite Lincoln quotation, 1952
Anti-communist movements -- United States -- History; Lincoln Day addresses; McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957;
Senator McCarthy recites a favorite quotation from Abraham Lincoln, in which Lincoln asserted that the United States could only be destroyed from within and never by a foreign army. He follows the quotation by suggesting that the United States is...- Senator Joe McCarthy - Audio Excerpts, 1950-1954
- Government Printing Office and Rothschild, 1954
Anti-communist movements -- United States -- History; Blattenberger, Raymond, b. 1892; McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957; McCarthyism; Rothschild, Edward; United States. Government Printing Office;
Senator McCarthy warns of the threat posed by communists in the Government Printing Office. He discusses the case of Edward Rothschild, a GPO employee and alleged communist sympathizer, who had testified before McCarthy's committee in August 1953....- Senator Joe McCarthy - Audio Excerpts, 1950-1954
- Gustavo Duran, 1950
Acheson, Dean, 1893-1971; Anti-communist movements -- United States -- History; Duran, Gustavo; McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957; McCarthyism; McMahon, Brien, 1903-1952; Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972; Tydings, Millard E. (Millard Evelyn), 1890-1961;...
Senator McCarthy presents evidence against Gustavo Duran, a former State Department official with alleged ties to communism. Duran was an early target of McCarthy's anti-communism, and the senator often discussed Duran's case in public speeches...
Senator Joe McCarthy - Audio Excerpts, 1950-1954
- Homosexuals in State Department, 1952
Acheson, Dean, 1893-1971; Anti-communist movements -- United States -- History; Gay men -- United States -- History; Hill, Lister, 1894-1984; McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957; Tydings, Millard E. (Millard Evelyn), 1890-1961; United States. Dept. of...
Senator McCarthy speaks out against homosexuals in the State Department. His audience is the Republican Women's Club of Wheeling, West Virginia. McCarthy argues that homosexuals are susceptible to communist blackmailing and therefore pose a...- Senator Joe McCarthy - Audio Excerpts, 1950-1954
- Introductory joke, 1950
McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957
Senator McCarthy greets an audience with a joke he often used to begin his speeches. He tells the audience how happy he is to get out of Washington and "back in the United States." The crowd applauds his humor. This event was a...- Senator Joe McCarthy - Audio Excerpts, 1950-1954
- Irving Peress, 1954
Anti-communist movements -- United States -- History; Army-McCarthy Controversy, 1954; Korean War, 1950-1953 -- Prisoners and prisons; McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957; McCarthyism; Peress, Irving;
Senator McCarthy discusses the case of Irving Peress, a former U.S. Army dentist with alleged ties to communism. McCarthy's subcommittee questioned Peress as part of its investigation of communists in the U.S. Army conducted in late 1953 and early...- Senator Joe McCarthy - Audio Excerpts, 1950-1954
- John Stewart Service, 1950
Acheson, Dean, 1893-1971; Amerasia; Anti-communist movements -- United States -- History; Grew, Joseph C. (Joseph Clark), 1880-1965; McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957; McCarthyism; Puerifoy, John; Service, John S. (John Stewart), 1909-1999; United...
Senator McCarthy criticizes the State Department for its handling of John Stewart Service, a State Department specialist on China. Service was one of the first targets of McCarthy's anti-communist campaign. He had been indicted for espionage in...- Senator Joe McCarthy - Audio Excerpts, 1950-1954
- Lawrence K. Rosinger, 1952
Acheson, Dean, 1893-1971; Anti-communist movements -- United States -- History; Barnett, Robert W., 1911-; Colgrove, Kenneth; Ferguson, Homer, 1889-1982; Field, Frederick Vanderbilt, 1905-; Hiss, Alger; Jessup, Philip C. (Philip Caryl), 1897-;...
Senator McCarthy presents evidence against Lawrence K. Rosinger, an expert on Far Eastern affairs and an alleged communist. After criticizing the Tydings Committee for mishandling Rosinger's case, McCarthy cites testimony from Rosinger's appearance...- Senator Joe McCarthy - Audio Excerpts, 1950-1954
- Loss of American honor, 1953
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969; Korean War, 1950-1953 -- Prisoners and prisons; McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957;
Senator McCarthy claims that the United States has lost its honor by allowing Communist China to hold American servicemen captive. McCarthy denies that he is criticizing the Eisenhower administration, but he insists that the United States must...- Senator Joe McCarthy - Audio Excerpts, 1950-1954
- Loss of French Indochina, 1954
Anti-communist movements -- United States -- History; Cold War; McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957; Vietnam
Senator McCarthy comments on the impending communist takeover of French Indochina. He implies that its fall will be the first event in a chain leading to complete communist control of the Pacific. McCarthy is addressing a group of Republicans in...- Senator Joe McCarthy - Audio Excerpts, 1950-1954
- Marshall mission to China, 1951
Anti-communist movements -- United States -- History; Chiang, Kai-shek, 1887-1975; Hurley, Patrick J. (Patrick Jay), 1883-1963; Marshall, George C. (George Catlett), 1880-1959; McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957;
Senator McCarthy describes the alleged role played by General George C. Marshall in the fall of Nationalist China to Communist forces. McCarthy discusses the secret instructions that guided the General's mission to China at the end of World War II....- Senator Joe McCarthy - Audio Excerpts, 1950-1954
- Military service during WWII, 1951
McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957; World War, 1939-1945
Senator McCarthy talks about his military service in the Marine Corps during a radio interview in Lincoln, Nebraska. Also present for the interview is the city's mayor, Victor Anderson. McCarthy describes his service during World War II and...- Senator Joe McCarthy - Audio Excerpts, 1950-1954
- Names on Wheeling list, 1951
Anti-communist movements -- United States -- History; Byrnes, James F. (James Francis), 1882-1972; McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957; McCarthyism; Sabath, Adolph Joachim, 1866-1952; Tydings, Millard E. (Millard Evelyn), 1890-1961;
Senator McCarthy attempts to clear up confusion over the number of names on the famous list he cited at his February 9, 1950 speech in Wheeling, West Virginia. He had been accused of changing the number of alleged communists in the State Department...- Senator Joe McCarthy - Audio Excerpts, 1950-1954
Owen Lattimore, 1952
Anti-communist movements -- United States -- History; Lattimore, Owen, 1900-1989; McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957; McCarthyism;
Senator McCarthy presents evidence against Owen J. Lattimore, professor at Johns Hopkins University and an expert on Far Eastern affairs. McCarthy began investigating Lattimore in 1950, claiming publicly that he was a top Soviet spy and an...
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