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Geoengineering is the artificial modification of Earths climate systems through two primary ideologies, Solar Radiation Management (SRM) and Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)
Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) and seqeustration. This is artificial trees, ocean fertilization etc. These projects are declassified for the most part. This method of geoengineering IS NOT the focus of this website.Solar Radiation Management (SRM)
Solar Radiation Management (SRM), controlling sunlight before it reaches the planet.Stratospheric Sulfate Aerosols Geoengineering (SAG-SRM)
The ability of stratospheric sulfate aerosols to create a global dimming effect has made them a possible candidate for use in geoengineering projects to limit the effect and impact ofclimate change due to rising levels of greenhouse gases. Delivery of precursor sulfide gases such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) or sulfur dioxide (SO2) by artillery, aircraft and balloons has been proposed. (click image for more...)Chemtrailing
Chemtrailing is the publics term for the CLASSIFIED ONGOING artificial modification of Earths climate systems using reflective nano-materials (aerosols) to reflect sunlight. The aerosols are dispersed via jet aircraft trails that expand into reflective artificial clouds.Geoengineering Affects You and Your Loved Ones
Just Posted
Want proof of the spraying of our skies?Watch the 90 second video below.
Planet Earth is under an all out weather warfare assault. In this video, Dane Wigington gives another presentation in Northern California on the harmful effects of Geoengineering, declaring that there is virtually NO NATURAL WEATHER due to the massive global climate engineering. The very essentials needed to sustain life on earth are being recklessly destroyed by these programs. This is not a topic that will begin to affect us in several years, but is now already causing massive animal and plant die off around the world, as well as human illness. read more
Please take a moment to watch this presentation and familiarize yourself with this ongoing crime against all life on earth.
Dimming The Sun
The BBC documentary linked below is an extremely important watch for any that wish to better understand the truth, and the dynamics of the all out assault on planet Earth by the climate engineers.Engineered Drought Catastrophe Continues, Target California
Arctic Death Spiral and the Methane Time Bomb
Climate Engineering, Media Deception, And Hard Facts
UPDATED!! Engineered Snow Storms
MSNBC Report: Geoengineering, What Could Go Wrong?
This report was just released from MSNBC. The climate engineering atrocity in our skies is becoming ever harder to hide as we knew it would. The MSNBC report in the video below is pushing the subject of geoengineering closer and closer to the light of day. Though some of the so called “experts” are still Read More »Aerosol Skies
Unfortunately much of the population cannot seem to recall what natural clouds look like, they mistake sprayed toxic aerosol clouds as “normal”. It’s up to each and every one of us to bring the horribly engineered skies to the attention of others. Let’s all prompt those around us to “look up” and take notice of Read More »Inhaling The Highly Toxic Climate Engineering Fallout
Though there is always some particulate matter in the air, if you shine a bright light into the night after a day of heavy atmospheric spraying, the fallout from the climate engineering looks like snow raining down from the sky. How many nights in the forest I have done exactly this, to witness these chemical Read More »Geoengineering Investigation Demanded By Numerous Experts
On July 15th, 2014, citizens from Northern California rallied to create the largest attendance ever at the Shasta County Supervisors chambers (400+, chairman Les Baugh confirmed this attendance record at the start of the meeting). The primary purpose of this meeting was to present information that proves there is a very dire heavy metal contamination Read More »
The map below is the most recent GISS surface analysis from NASA. This map is the absolute bottom line of reality regarding the true state of our warming planet. The extremely radical range of temperature variances is tell tale of the immense and ongoing geoengineering assault on planet earth.
GLOBAL TEMPERATURE MAP DEVIATION FROM NORMAL TEMPERATURES. Note where the geoengineering focus is most centered, which are the cool regions in Canada and the eastern USA, and a region of Antarctica where the research vessel is stuck in the ice. Was this incident truly just accidental? Or perhaps a well orchestrated media maneuver? Impossible to say, but the press sure made the most of it and many took the bait. The well orchestrated media machine and loads of manipulated data have convinced a great many that our planet is cooling overall, this could not be further from the truth.
GLOBAL TEMPERATURE MAP DEVIATION FROM NORMAL TEMPERATURES. Note where the geoengineering focus is most centered, which are the cool regions in Canada and the eastern USA, and a region of Antarctica where the research vessel is stuck in the ice. Was this incident truly just accidental? Or perhaps a well orchestrated media maneuver? Impossible to say, but the press sure made the most of it and many took the bait. The well orchestrated media machine and loads of manipulated data have convinced a great many that our planet is cooling overall, this could not be further from the truth.
Critical Global Flashpoints
Desensitizing Society To Create Compassionless Killers
Those in power have been all too successful at the task of programming and completely desensitizing much of our society and most of our military. ConstantUkraine: US Military Instructors Preparing Clandestine Terror Groups in Russian-Speaking Territories
Source: Global Research The first group of fighters from volunteer punitive battalion Donbass started training yesterday at the training center in the town of Zolochiv, LvovThe Ebola Card, Commentary From A Former Government Official
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is a former Reagan administration cabinet official who has been an outspoken voice of truth and reason for decades. Dr. Roberts isResource Depletion Frenzy Of Insanity
Taken as a whole, the human race has shown virtually no regard for the total lack of sustainability of its actions. Unfortunately, many people have boughtFEMA Pandemic Rehearsals And The Ebola Fiasco
What a true circus of insanity we all find ourselves in. The obvious orchestrations of events and scenarios that are closing in on us unfortunately stillAn Outline Of Possible Coming Actions By The Global Power Structure
An Important Message To Forward I am simply forwarding a message received from my friend, Keith Lampe. Keith puts out substantial amounts of very credible postingsIs Ebola Now An Airborne Pathogen?
In the 4 minute video below, Dr. Rima Laibow announces new information on the Ebola situation that is very important for us all to take note911, How Ludicrous Is The “Official” Story, Really?
The 4 minute video below was very well done, it’s well worth the time to view. It is truly astounding that the global shadow government canIs A Pressured Power Structure Now Playing The Ebola Card In The US?
It’s very hard to say how the whole situation with Ebola will go. It perhaps depends on what the power structure does with what is inFormer US Marine Hammers The Global Elite Agenda On Mainstream TV
US Military veteran Ken O’Keefe tells it exactly as it is. In the fast moving 8 minute video below O’Keefe is as direct as he couldTurkey and Israel Are Directly Supporting ISIS and Al Qaeda Terrorists In Syria
U.S. Allies Support the Terrorists We’re Supposedly “Fighting” Source: Washington’s Blog The Jerusalem Post reports that an ISIS fighter says that Turkey funds the terrorist group.Battle for Perpetual War is Won; US Admits Attacks on ISIS Could Last Years; Expect an Accident
The warmonger dream of perpetual war has been won: US says Attacks on Isis Could Last Years. Source: MISH’s Global Economic Trend Analysis The multiple airstrikes
Featured Articles
Toxic Skies, Call For Action
We only need to put a crack in the dam of silence and secrecy on the climate engineering issue, then the whole dam will finally break. This 30 second time-lapse film clip is yet another tool to help wake peopleThe Mental Programming Of Our Children
This is the goal of the establishment, to breakdown the independent thought of our children and turn them into establishment conformists. From the “common core” programs to other curriculums, the “system” is very effective in “conditioning” our once free thinking“Conspiracy Theorists” And The Programmed Responses Of The Masses
How well our society has been trained to criticize and ostracize those who dare to question the “official narrative”. How quickly the term “conspiracy theorist” is used for individuals that show the courage to speak out about events that clearlyGeoengineering Investigation Demanded By Numerous Experts
On July 15th, 2014, citizens from Northern California rallied to create the largest attendance ever at the Shasta County Supervisors chambers (400+, chairman Les Baugh confirmed this attendance record at the start of the meeting). The primary purpose of thisFilmmaker Sean Stone Covers Climate Engineering
Just like his father Oliver Stone, Sean Stone is blazing his own trail in the pursuit of truth. Sean is addressing the most hard hitting issues we face with great courage. My most sincere gratitude to Sean for helping usThe Illegal Poisoning Of California’s Remaining Water Supply
I got a shocking message this afternoon from a contact I have at California EPA, some of California’s remaining aquifers are being illegally poisoned with highly toxic industrial wastewater that is being injected into wells. This sounds like a plotDenying The Truth To Protect “Non-Profit” Status
By Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The People’s March Against Climate Change Many environmental organizations are proclaiming the climate march on September 21 2014 a success. Many might ask, how can this event be considered a success when the march did not addressThe global angle in the sky geometry lesson over Chattanooga
By David Tulis Source: Nooganomics The name is a grand one, I know, but I cover stratospheric aerosol geoengineering over Chattanooga for the primary purpose of encouraging divestment. By divestment I mean escaping one capital investment and shifting to another.Clouds, What’s Real? What’s Not?
By Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Many in the anti-geoengineering movement have focused almost exclusively on the horizon-to-horizon trails, but such obvious spraying is only a small fraction of the aerosol operations in our skies. As the public continues to wake up toGeoengineering is Destroying the Ozone Layer
So, How Bad Can It Get? Just when it seemed the negative news surrounding global geoengineering could not get any worse, it absolutely can and is. Off The Chart UV Levels Not Being Disclosed Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org So, How Bad
Geoengineering Updates
GeoengineeringWatch Weather Update, September 27th, 2014
Temperatures in the low 20s in early September and now pushing 100 near the end of the month? What is wrong with this picture? Not only is most of the population not yet able to recognize the all too obviousGeoengineeringWatch Weather Update, September 20th, 2014
The unbelievable swings in temperatures will continue to increase as the climate engineers put ever more pressure on the biosphere’s life support systems. In the last week some regions in the US went from 80 degrees, to the high teensGeoengineeringWatch Weather Update, September 13th, 2014
The engineered snow storms are being pushed to ever greater extremes. The unprecedented fluctuations in weather and temperatures should be a huge red flag as to the degree to which the climate engineers are forcing Earth’s life support systems. Half
Featured Video
Geoengineering, What Do Our Children Have To Say About It?
We fight to save a future for our children, we owe our lives to them. Too many in our society have rationalized their own personal pursuitsGeoengineering Investigation Demanded By Numerous Experts
On July 15th, 2014, citizens from Northern California rallied to create the largest attendance ever at the Shasta County Supervisors chambers (400+, chairman Les Baugh confirmed
What The Council on Foreign Relations has publicly posted on the topic of Geoengineering:
- The Geoengineering Option
- Unilateral Geoengineering
- Geoengineering- The last resort against global warming?
- Geoengineering Workshop on Unilateral Planetary Scale Geoengineering
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Gallery of Satellite Images of Eastern Pacific Spraying
Top Stories
Toxic Skies, Call For Action
We only need to put a crack in the dam of silence and secrecy onMSNBC Report: Geoengineering, What Could Go Wrong?
This report was just released from MSNBC. The climate engineering atrocity in our skies isThe Mental Programming Of Our Children
This is the goal of the establishment, to breakdown the independent thought of our childrenThe World Awakens: America Sleeps – Chemtrails from Around the Globe, a Satellite View
Source: Natural Society, article by Christina Sarich There are millions of people in the UnitedAerosol Skies
Unfortunately much of the population cannot seem to recall what natural clouds look like, theyInhaling The Highly Toxic Climate Engineering Fallout
Though there is always some particulate matter in the air, if you shine a brightSetting The Record Straight For Those That Truly Care About The Battle To Stop Climate Engineering
Michael Murphy, Kim Moore, And WW101 Unfortunately I have had to waste a day thatClimate Engineering Assault On Chattanooga Documented
Source: Nooganomics Hundreds of jets are flying over Chattanooga today (Sunday, Oct. 19) in what“Conspiracy Theorists” And The Programmed Responses Of The Masses
How well our society has been trained to criticize and ostracize those who dare toGeoengineering Investigation Demanded By Numerous Experts
On July 15th, 2014, citizens from Northern California rallied to create the largest attendance ever
Geoengineering Watch Radio for 11/1/2014
Geoengineering Watch Radio for 10/25/2014
USA Prepares Radio Show (Commercial Free AUDIO) Wed. Oct. 15 2014: Dr. Norm Shealy, Dane Wigington
Climate Modification Catastrophe, A First Hand Account
Geoengineering Watch Radio for 10/18/2014
Apocalypse vs. The Grain of Sand, Exposing Geoengineering
Filmmaker Sean Stone Covers Climate Engineering
Coast to Coast Exposes Geoengineering, an Interview with Dane Wigington
Geoengineering Watch Radio for 10/11/2014
Volcania Radio Addresses the Global Climate Engineering Assault
Creating Storms
Engineering Winter Storms
By Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org How is it there are such anomalous cold events on an ever rapidly warming planet? Welcome to climate engineering and “artificial ice nucleationGallery of Satellite Images of Eastern Pacific Spraying
The photos below clearly show the continuous barrage of aerosol spraying that has been taking place on the west coast of the United States. (click onMain Stream Media “Scientists” Try To Cover Up Engineered Snow Storms.
Main Stream Media And Their Paid Liar “Scientists” Are Desperately Trying To Hide The Truth About Climate Engineering Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The artificially nucleated snow stormsGeoengineeringWatch Weather Update Feb 2, 2014
Finally the public at large is beginning to realize there is something very wrong with the snow. Chemically nucleated artificial snow storms have been the normThe Government-Coordinated CHEMTRAIL Conspiracy Continues Unabated
Vast Swaths Of America Now See Little Or No Sunlight; Massive Areas Under Continuous Chemical Assault Originally posted at: StateoftheNation2012.com Never in the history of the
Aircraft Spraying Videos
Undeniable Footage Of Jet Aircraft Spraying
The extremely compelling footage in this 3 minute video should be yet another powerful tool to be used in the battle to awaken theAerosol Spraying Jet Nearly Collides With Oncoming Aircraft
My thanks to activist Raymond Black for adding a very compelling video to our library of aircraft spraying films. The more that activists andOn And Off Spraying From Geoengineering Jet Is Beyond Dispute
The ongoing and lethal atmospheric experiments appear to be in a constant state of flux. As more and more people wake up to the
Activist Articles & Videos
Why America Is Dying
by Greg Pallen As a point that many of you may be actively choosing to ignore, it is getting very late in the game…..I am soWhat’s Up?
By Howard Glasser First, let me state from the outset that I do not belong to nor am I speaking on behalf of any group, partyChris Black – “AmeriKa” [Official Music Video]
My thanks to Chris Black for this excellent music video. Chris has conveyed a very important message in an extremely artistic fashion. DWLook Up Presentation By Wanda Allen
Wanda Allen has put together an excellent presentation on the dire climate engineering issue. The kind of assertive action she has taken to educate others inDeadly Rain
“Deadly Rain” is now what falls on us all. This is also the title of the excellent 3 minute music video below by Alias Clay. TheWhite Lines
Video Description: Funny, and sadly oh so true. The White Lines song written originally about drug addiction is a perfect soundtrack to our addiction to technologies
Staying Healthy In A World That Isn’t
It’s not easy to retain one’s health in a world that is being constantly bombarded with contamination from too many directions to comprehend. Many people haveFluoride, Aluminum, And A Global Society That Seems Unable To Wake Up
We all face a world that has become horribly toxic. There is no place to escape the toxic fallout, there is nowhere to hide. The allThe Ebola Card, Commentary From A Former Government Official
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is a former Reagan administration cabinet official who has been an outspoken voice of truth and reason for decades. Dr. Roberts isClimate Engineering, Aluminum, And Alzheimer’s
There is no hiding from the toxic brew of heavy metals and chemicals (from global climate engineering programs) floating down through the atmosphere forcing us allOne More Toxic Blow To California
As if things in California are not bad enough already, now another program of toxic insanity is added to the mix. On top of the horrificFEMA Pandemic Rehearsals And The Ebola Fiasco
What a true circus of insanity we all find ourselves in. The obvious orchestrations of events and scenarios that are closing in on us unfortunately stillAlzheimer’s Association Refuses To Allow GeoEngineeringWatch.org To Sponsor Their Event
Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The “Alzheimer’s Association” has recently refused to allow geongineeringwatch.org to sponsor their fundraising event scheduled in Northern California for October 18, 2014. IDeconstructing the Ebola Agenda
Source: Zen Gardner It looks like we’re going to be saddled with this ebola roll-out for a while. It seems to be working according to planEbola – The Truth About the Outbreak (Documentary)
In today’s video, Christopher Greene of AMTV reports on the truth about the Ebola outbreak 2014.Heavy Metals In Atmosphere, Autism, ADD & Illness, It’s All Connected (Video)
By N. Morgan Many still doubt the Chemtrail and Geoengineering programs and the danger they pose to us and our environment. Many people have complained of
Staff Writer
UPDATED: Engineered Drought Catastrophe Continues, Target California
Most of the “the golden state” is now parched, baked and dried far beyond any historical precedent. Reservoirs are nearly empty, streams are drying up, and“Engineering The Climate” : A Congressional Report.
Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org While the “scientists”, the US military, and numerous other governmental agencies, continue to deny the reality of the massive global geoengineering programs, theClimate Assault Could End Life On Earth
A Veteran Journalist’s Perspective “Straight From The Heart” is an exceptionally well researched article just penned for geoengineeringwatch.org by veteran Canadian journalist Will Thomas. Will hasMain Stream Media “Scientists” Try To Cover Up Engineered Snow Storms.
Main Stream Media And Their Paid Liar “Scientists” Are Desperately Trying To Hide The Truth About Climate Engineering Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The artificially nucleated snow stormsMedia Increases Mass Distraction While The Walls Close In On Us All
We Are All Lab Rats In A Grand And Lethal Experiment Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Unimaginable global climate experiments have been going on in many forms for more
Radio Frequency Dangers
Heavy Metal Contamination And Radio Frequency Exposure, A Very Bad Mix
All of us are under constant exposure to toxic heavy metals day in and day out from the climate engineering fallout. As our bodies absorb theseWiFi to Kill Millions Whistleblower Says
Note: This story is VERY important. I urge you to share it on all social networks to send the truth VIRAL If you are a truthTop Biochemist Calls to Abolish Smart Meters, WiFi in Schools, and Baby Monitors
Our modern world is creating an electromagnetic soup filled with electrical pulses, radio frequencies, computer screens, wireless signals, as well as personal devices such as cellStudy Shows Radiofrequency Radiation Impact on Aspen Seedlings, International Journal of Forestry Research
Aspens have been rapidly dying throughout Colorado since 2004. The attached article, “Adverse Influence of Radio Frequency Background on Trembling Aspen Seedlings: Preliminary Observations”, published inBarrie Trower WiFi Report – Humanity At The Brink
As stated by University Researchers, Government Scientists and International Scientific Advisors; a minimum of 57.7% of schoolgirls exposed to low-level microwave radiation (Wi-fi) are at risk
Words of Wisdom
Video Source: ShadowCatcherProIt’s All Bullshit
Source: Zen Gardner Anybody else fed up with all this crap? I can hardly believe my eyes any more it’s all so fucking contrived, shallow andThe Peaceful Power of Confidence
Source: Zen Gardner I’ve often said the awakening is happening at a fantastic rate. This has been met with some skepticism, and understandably so, as evidenceDeconstructing the Ebola Agenda
Source: Zen Gardner It looks like we’re going to be saddled with this ebola roll-out for a while. It seems to be working according to planAwakened Warriors Arise
Source: Zen Gardner Life is a struggle. How much more then is the spiritual life, the fight to remain conscious in an illusory world where deviantDeadly Rain
“Deadly Rain” is now what falls on us all. This is also the title of the excellent 3 minute music video below by Alias Clay. TheEugenics, Depopulation and the Elite Mindset
Source: Zen Gardner Let’s suppose the elitist scum working to ruin and control our lives and planet are in some fashion real people to some extent.Shifting Realities, Feedback Loops and Truly Getting Free
Source: Zen Gardner It appears things change more than we think – way more, and in more ways. Even when we’re aware of the underlying realityDenial – Hey, That’s My Story – Oh, Your’s Too?
We are dumbfounded - those of us deeply concerned about geoengineering and chemtrails – by the apparent inability of so many people to see, acknowledge, orEnter the Rightful Role of the Truth Warrior
Source: Zen Gardner It’s amazing how people have been backed into a corner by this barrage of social programming and outright intimidation. People actually feel apologetic
These Jets are Spraying Aerosols
Government Document: “Weather as a Force Multiplier”
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Previous Articles Archive
Toxic Skies, Call For Action
We only need to put a crack in the dam of silence and secrecy on the climate engineering issue, then the whole dam will finally break.Engineering The Planet Into Total Extinction
The sixth great mass extinction on our planet is not off on the horizon somewhere, it’s here and now. We are statistically currently in the sixthFluoride, Aluminum, And A Global Society That Seems Unable To Wake Up
We all face a world that has become horribly toxic. There is no place to escape the toxic fallout, there is nowhere to hide. The allMSNBC Report: Geoengineering, What Could Go Wrong?
This report was just released from MSNBC. The climate engineering atrocity in our skies is becoming ever harder to hide as we knew it would. TheUS Jets Rake Tennessee’s Four Cities
Source: Nooganomics, article By David Tulis (full article is below sequence of pictures) Jets flights perhaps numbering in the hundreds fly over Chattanooga this afternoon and evening, layingEngineering Winter Storms
By Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org How is it there are such anomalous cold events on an ever rapidly warming planet? Welcome to climate engineering and “artificial ice nucleationThe Most Dire Climate Assessment Ever Still Fails To Acknowledge Climate Engineering
Today, November 2nd, the largest scientific panel ever assembled on any subject in human history has issued the most dire warning yet on the state ofDroughts Resulting From Climate Engineering Threaten Global Food Security
Solar radiation management (SRM) programs are filling the skies with particulates that radically disrupt the hydrological cycle. Available science makes clear that atmospheric aerosols cause drought.Methane Meltdown And The Geoengineered Attempt To Hide It
The latest engineered cool-down is hitting the East today, but how cold is it really? What are “real feel” temps? Real feel” is NOT the actualThe Weathermen, Paid To Cover The Tracks Of Climate Engineering
“Weather forecasters” are now little more than script reading actors in a grand production that is completely orchestrated by those pulling the strings at the top.Selling Climate Engineering While Denying It, Meet Professor Clive Hamilton.
Meet professor Clive Hamilton, a member of the Australian Board of Climate Change Authority. In this short, just released video interview below (8 minutes), Professor HamiltonSetting The Record Straight For Those That Truly Care About Stopping Geoengineering (again)
Unfortunately, as much as I loath this kind of public statement, I have had to take time away from the critical fight against climate engineering toIf You Think These Are Just “Contrails” Think Again – Here’s What They Really Are
More and more credible authors and sources are making their voices heard in the battle to expose and stop the climate engineering insanity. The momentum ofGeoengineering, What Do Our Children Have To Say About It?
We fight to save a future for our children, we owe our lives to them. Too many in our society have rationalized their own personal pursuitsClimate Engineering, Aluminum, And Alzheimer’s
There is no hiding from the toxic brew of heavy metals and chemicals (from global climate engineering programs) floating down through the atmosphere forcing us allAerosol Skies
Unfortunately much of the population cannot seem to recall what natural clouds look like, they mistake sprayed toxic aerosol clouds as “normal”. It’s up to eachInhaling The Highly Toxic Climate Engineering Fallout
Though there is always some particulate matter in the air, if you shine a bright light into the night after a day of heavy atmospheric spraying,IPCC Says We Can’t Stop Geoengineering
The 3 minute video clip attached gives a glimpse of the glaring truths that are hidden in plain sight. The entire climate science community is talkingSetting The Record Straight For Those That Truly Care About The Battle To Stop Climate Engineering
Michael Murphy, Kim Moore, And WW101 Unfortunately I have had to waste a day that would have been devoted to the fight against geoengineering in orderClimate Modification Catastrophe, A First Hand Account
89 year old New Mexico Rancher Tom Kelly has witnessed the destruction of weather modification first hand since the late 1940s. On a mountaintop above Tom’sOne More Toxic Blow To California
As if things in California are not bad enough already, now another program of toxic insanity is added to the mix. On top of the horrificThe Human Race Is Descending Into Extinction: A Former Reagan Cabinet Official Speaks Out
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for the Reagan administration. Mr. Roberts has constantly been an outspoken voice of facts and reasonFilmmaker Sean Stone Covers Climate Engineering
Just like his father Oliver Stone, Sean Stone is blazing his own trail in the pursuit of truth. Sean is addressing the most hard hitting issuesCoast to Coast Exposes Geoengineering, an Interview with Dane Wigington
Rob Simone interviews Dane Wigington, lead researcher from geoengineeringwatch.org in a show titled ”Geoengineering and Weather Manipulation” on August 2, 2014. Our thanks to Rob for his extremely directAlzheimer’s Association Refuses To Allow GeoEngineeringWatch.org To Sponsor Their Event
Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The “Alzheimer’s Association” has recently refused to allow geongineeringwatch.org to sponsor their fundraising event scheduled in Northern California for October 18, 2014. IPentagon Focus Is On The Climate As They Blow Apart Another Storm In California
Those that believe the US Department of Defense would ask for the public’s permission before they would interfere with the climate should wake up to reality.Dane Wigington And Josefina Martin Of Skyguards Discuss Geoengineering
This discussion of climate engineering and relating global threats took place just after a major presentation given to Shasta County Supervisors on geoengineering by numerous experts withConfronting Geoengineer David Keith
David Keith is likely the most internationally recognized geoengineer. Keith is, in my opinion, the epitome of what is wrong with an unfortunately high percentage ofHeavy Metals In Atmosphere, Autism, ADD & Illness, It’s All Connected (Video)
By N. Morgan Many still doubt the Chemtrail and Geoengineering programs and the danger they pose to us and our environment. Many people have complained ofPsychopaths In Power
We are all living in a world gone mad, how did it get so bad? Who is steering the ship? Why are those in power doing
Weather Warfare Government Documents
Readers Photos
Setting The Record Straight For Those That Truly Care About Stopping Geoengineering (again)
Unfortunately, as much as I loath this kind of public statement, I have had to take time away from the critical fight against climate engineering toHypnotic Data: 4 Essential Features
Source: No More Fake News Television news needs to create a hypnotic effect. Otherwise it would fall apart and shatter into a million nonsensical pieces. One:Corporate Media, The Ultimate Weapon Of Mass Deception Exposed
Mainstream corporate media is a hive of lies and criminal deception, their job it is to serve the power structure. Those within this system have long
Heavy Aerosols Maintain Polar Vortex
Source: The HAARP ReportIs a HAARP Weather Weapon Causing the California Drought?
Video Description: Here’s a look at several events on the West Coast radar that definitely beg the question of whether or not we are all livingHAARP Report Covers Engineered “Polar Vortex” Cool-Down
When will a larger percentage of the population begin to truly question the completely engineered erratic weather? At what point will the public be inclined confrontJet Stream Manipulation Continues To Alter Weather Over US
Source: The HAARP ReportContinued Climate Control Exposed
The weather makers continue to wreak havoc on the climate system overall. Though a great deal of moisture has moved over Northern California in recent days
Behind the Geoengineering Curtain
Warming Oceans, Warming Planet, The Bottom Line. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Taking The Bait The planet is in full blown meltdown and even now the spin mastersGeoengineering is Destroying the Ozone Layer
So, How Bad Can It Get? Just when it seemed the negative news surrounding global geoengineering could not get any worse, it absolutely can and is.Geoengineering Programs Continue To Destroy Ozone Layer
Who has not noticed how intense the sun now feels? Who has not noticed how quickly it begins to burn the skin? Many have also begunDon’t Believe UV Radiation Levels are “Off the Charts”?
Massive UV Levels Are Not So Easy To Hide. (Even if the disinfo agents lie about the facts) Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Most have already noticed howGlobal Geoengineering Fueling Venus Syndrome
What Is “Venus Syndrome”? “Venus syndrome” is not a metaphor, it is a scientific scenario. The term should be self explanatory, but just to be clear,
Global Meltdown
Climate Engineering, Is It Working?
Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Is climate engineering cooling down our planet? Overall, absolutely not. If you live in the eastern half of the North American Continent, you may‘Warmest year’ warning is issued
Source: Guernsey Press The UK is on course to experience the warmest and one of the wettest years since records began more than a century agoThe Most Dire Climate Assessment Ever Still Fails To Acknowledge Climate Engineering
Today, November 2nd, the largest scientific panel ever assembled on any subject in human history has issued the most dire warning yet on the state ofEarth Cooking Up Record Temperatures
Source: Dallas News Earth is on pace to tie or even break the mark for the hottest year on record, federal meteorologists say. That’s because globalArctic Ice Sixth Lowest In At Least A Thousand Years
The more people get over their disdain for Al Gore and begin to do honest investigation, the more they will be able to recognize well spunClimate Change Accelerating
Source: Arctic News Methane levels as high as 2562 ppb were recorded on October 9, 2014, as illustrated by the image below. Many grey areas showAntarctic Heat Heralds Hottest September in the NASA Record
Source: Robert Scribbler Another hottest month on record for the global climate. And this one is a bit of a doozey. According to NASA GISS, SeptemberAcid Seas
So many are still claiming Co2 is great for the planet, the more the better they claim, but what planet are they talking about? Oceans are“It’s Worse Than We Thought” — New Study Finds That Earth is Warming Far Faster Than Expected
Image Above: (Upper ocean heat anomaly map for 2002 through 2011 shows extreme global heating of the upper ocean during the past decade. Image source: QuantifyingGlobal warming’s effect on oceans is greater than realized, researchers say
Effect of climate change on upper-ocean temperatures has been underestimated by 24 to 58 percent, a study by NASA and Livermore Laboratory concludes. Source: Christian ScienceThe Ocean’s Surface Layer Has Been Warming Much Faster Than Previously Thought
Source: Think Progress Surface layers of the ocean have been warming significantly faster than previous estimates had projected, according to a new study. The study, publishedHuman Handprint Marks Australia’s Hottest Year
Source: Truth Dig LONDON—Scientists are fond of saying that it is difficult to pin the blame for any one climate event onto climate change. But theyChanging Antarctic waters could trigger steep rise in sea levels
Source: Arc Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science Current changes in the ocean around Antarctica are disturbingly close to conditions 14,000 years ago that newAntarctica Has Lost Enough Ice to Cause a Measurable Shift in Gravity
Antarctica Has Lost Enough Ice to Cause a Measurable Shift in Gravity Source: Wired This story originally appeared in Slate and is republished here as partGravity Shift Reveals West Antarctic Ice Loss
Source: Climate Central The West Antarctic Ice Sheet is headed toward “unstoppable” collapse according to recent studies. A new visual released by the European Space Agency
1966 Government Weather Modification Document
The 36,000 member Institute of Physics
“Climate geoengineering at scale must be considered only as a last resort…There should be no lessening of attempts to otherwise correct the harmful impacts of human economies on the Earth’s ecology and climate.”
Raytheon Corporation is the third largest weapons manufacturer, and is a partner in HAARP. Raethon also tells the weather to the American Meteorlogical Service (AMS) and is the leading corporation in Weather Modification Nano Technology, as well as advanced Weather Weapon Systems. Here is Raytheon's RAY GUN.....crowd control, weather modification, weapons systems, weather forecasting.......Raytheon. Still think they can't alter the weather?
President John F Kennedy Secret Societies
Artificial Clouds
Silence before the Storm
Here’s an analogy to describe the precarious situation we’re in. When heat is added to water at boiling point (100°C or 212°F), vapor will appear atTABU.All Lives in the Balance Pt. II.The Great Climate Chaos;One Minute to Midnight
TABU.All Lives in the Balance Pt. II.The Great Climate Chaos;One Minute to Midnight. Many of us fear that confrontation with despair will bring loneliness and isolation.Geoengineering, Falsified Data, And Global Warming
Finally some acknowledgment of the data falsification which has helped to hide the true state of the climate. Many have been convinced that data is being
The Coming Collapse
Desensitizing Society To Create Compassionless Killers
Those in power have been all too successful at the task of programming and completely desensitizing much of our society and most of our military. ConstantResource Depletion Frenzy Of Insanity
Taken as a whole, the human race has shown virtually no regard for the total lack of sustainability of its actions. Unfortunately, many people have boughtFormer US Marine Hammers The Global Elite Agenda On Mainstream TV
US Military veteran Ken O’Keefe tells it exactly as it is. In the fast moving 8 minute video below O’Keefe is as direct as he couldLife On Earth Is In Virtual Freefall
While the corporate media and the criminal “elected officials” talk about increasing growth and stimulating employment, our planet is dying. All life will go down withSmoking Gun Evidence That The New York Fed Serves The Interests Of Goldman Sachs
Source: Global Research For years, many people have suspected that the New York Fed is more or less controlled by the “too big to fail” banks.
Government Document “Geoengineering Governance and Technology”
An Award-Winning Documentary (see the trailer)
View the Government Documents
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